The criminodynamics It is a part of criminological science that is responsible for explaining the processes and development of criminal behavior. As part of criminology, it is closely related to criminogenesis, which establishes the possible causes that originated the crime.
Criminodynamics, therefore, studies the different biological, social or psychic factors that influence an individual when committing a crime, and the processes or stages that lead to the offense.
Obviously, criminodynamics is also related to criminal investigation as it will provide data to determine if the quality of a specific factor is relevant or not to consider criminal behavior, and if it is a trigger for it..
We could add that criminogenesis and criminodynamics answer the "why" and "how" questions of various criminal behaviors. Likewise, it is essential when generating a psychological profile of the person who commits the crime..
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As part of the study of criminal and criminal behavior, criminodynamics seeks to investigate the very diverse factors associated with criminal behavior. For this reason, it serves for two fundamental things: to prevent crime by studying the causes that led the person to commit it, and to design a reasonable treatment, aimed at preventing the person from reoffending..
It should be noted that listing possible causes is not enough. It is necessary to verify the interrelationship between the ways in which a person reaches criminal behavior, to find what is called the logical-functional order of their behavior..
For this, a study sequence has been established, based on predisposing factors, preparations and triggers..
The predisposing factors are those that influence the mood in advance, so that the ideal situation is prepared in the individual for the commission of the crime.
Organic, psychic, family, hereditary, congenital or acquired factors are studied that increase or accentuate selfish and aggressive forces, and at the same time weaken inhibitory forces, so that crime begins to be perceived as something not "bad".
They are those factors that prepare the way for the person to commit the crime. They are considered to be exogenous, that is, they come from outside (family, social context, etc.) of the individual.
It is the factors that trigger antisocial behavior, those that precipitate the events. Unfortunately, they are the ones that have the most visibility, the ones that weigh the most in public opinion, without taking into account the previous ones..
Each factor is important insofar as they form a set, which the criminologist must calibrate.
Of course, each case is different, but criminodynamics establishes parameters so that the investigator can follow a standard procedure. There are two steps: the study of the "step to act" and the criminal threshold.
You have to study the precise moment when the person becomes indifferent and the inhibition is canceled. It is when he decides to commit the antisocial act.
This step is essential, in the sense that everyone can have a latent inclination to crime, but not everyone chooses to commit it, since factors of a different nature intervene that prevent them from doing so. This leads to the second point.
As its name indicates, it is the point of tolerance or inhibition towards the antisocial act, the higher this threshold, the easier it will be for an individual to commit a crime. It is necessary to know the degree of this threshold in people who commit criminal acts.
For a person to commit an antisocial act, the criminal cause, the conditions and the occasion must exist.
This is an indispensable condition without which criminal behavior never manifests itself. It is an active principle.
They are the factors that condition the effect, they are also called criminogenic factors.
It is the circumstance that favors the act. It is called a criminogenic condition.
This is a concept that has varied throughout history; For example, the classical school argues that evil is inherent in the human being and that every individual has free will. The offender has freely chosen the criminal path.
The sociological school affirms that the cause comes from the environment, from environmental and sociological factors; and for the spiritualist school, the absence of a religious spirit in the human being is what drives him to crime.
However, in the modern school, criminodynamics is responsible for establishing the link of cause and effect, which is known as the principle of criminological causality..
As an expression of the causal relationship, criminodynamics explains, by means of a logical-criminological reasoning, the process carried out in the subject until reaching antisocial behavior.
It also analyzes the causal chain, which are the events that occurred in time and which are linked in such a way that the result is the crime. In this sense, the subject is studied in its context, with its special characteristics, endowed with consciousness and will.
This will be decisive to establish that the subject who commits a crime is aware of the relationships between him and the external world. If you have enough conscience to calibrate the circumstances that favored or hindered your action, and if you calculate in advance the possible effects that derive from certain causes.
This principle of causality is established in an intelligible way through the interpretation and explanation of the causal chain: events can be clearly differentiated in time (a now, a before and an after).
Although human beings are equal before the law (at least in Western countries), the study of criminal behavior has revealed that not all of us act in a homogeneous way when faced with crime, when faced with the probability of committing a crime.
Criminodynamics, then, is the one that studies the why and how a person can reach a criminal act, the internal or external situations that prompted it and the reasons it had.
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