What is psychotherapy, how does it work and what are its types?

Alexander Pearson
What is psychotherapy, how does it work and what are its types?

Psychology is the science that deals with the study and processes of the human mind. To treat the problems that arise in it and affect the development of people, they use a procedure known as psychotherapy.

Just as the body suffers diseases and ailments for which you need to visit the doctor; sometimes more than you can believe, the mind is also affected and the consequences are not only manifested in the mind and emotions, but also on a physical level.

In these cases, it is necessary to seek the help of specialists in the human mind and behavior, such as Velez Malaga Psychologists, who offer individual therapy services for adults and children; also for couples and families.

And it is that the way of approaching the problems of psychologists are based clearly on the evaluation of the patient's behavior and from there, an action plan is established with different psychotherapeutic techniques to deal with everything that is affecting personal experiences, interaction with other people and daily activities.

What is psychotherapy and what are its types?

Psychotherapy consists of a treatment that requires joint work between the psychologist and the patient, where scientifically validated verbal methods are used, which aim to solve conflicts at an emotional level and mental disorders.

Through it, what is sought is to achieve a change in the patient with respect to their way of thinking, feeling and acting, so that in this way, you can regain control of your person, and improve your life.

The type of treatment applied will depend on the clinical approach given by the psychologist and which best suits the pathologies presented, however, the most widely used are psychodynamics, through psychoanalysis and humanistic, through the use of TFC or Therapy Focused on Emotions, the latter being a fairly novel, fast and effective therapy.

To learn more about the subject, we recommend visiting a psychological office where they will explain what the treatments consist of and you can even receive the first consultation at no cost. However, here we will help you with a brief description of them..  

Types of psychotherapies

As mentioned above, psychotherapy consists of the application of verbal techniques to analyze, diagnose and treat the problems that afflict a person. However, this is possible to achieve through several approaches with different characteristics..


It is focused on helping patients to maximize their personal potential, emphasizing the importance of free will, exploration and self-realization. To do this, the bases of Focused Therapy on Emotions are followed, where emotional behavior is specifically addressed in various situations, since the impossibility to control them and make good use of them is considered a problem.

Therefore,  the therapist will work through empathy and acceptance of the patient's emotions and reactions, thus guiding him in the detection of other feelings to help him develop his independence, control his emotions and be responsible for himself, also having the ability to function correctly in his environment.    


By this approach you try to delve into the past and the thoughts to identify memories or feelings that in some way or another affect the patient's current attitude.


As its name implies, it is the union of two different approaches, where both the thoughts and the different conditions are worked on of the patient to transform negativity and adaptation difficulties. It is generally applied to treat addiction problems, phobias, anxiety and depression.

Psychologists are here to help

Finally, we want to remind you that psychologists have all the knowledge and tools to solve any suffering that afflicts you on an emotional and sentimental level, so do not feel afraid or ashamed to seek their help, because they are precisely for that. Likewise, they will guide you to achieve your personal improvement.

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