The research notes They are a communication tool used to publicize the findings and results of research projects. They are generally texts with an extension of two to four pages or between 3,000 and 4,000 words, considered small preliminary studies.
Research notes are used for scientific projects as well as for technological and educational ones, trying to make known the process followed in the investigative process.
The research notes should include all the salient aspects of it but with less depth and detail..
The structure of a research note aims to help find information in a simple way, also to help the author to structure the ideas and what is sought to communicate.
Generally, they have the following structure:
It must be attractive and short
Define the problem and the advantages of the author's arguments
Preamble to the topic, its purpose and research area.
Provides the necessary information so that the investigation can be replicated.
Shows the results and compares them with other research works.
It shows the most outstanding results, the consequences and limitations of the investigative work.
List of documents and works consulted to carry out the research note.
Editing a research note is the responsibility of the author, who must follow the following format:
1.- Job title.
2.- Name of the author or authors
3.- Identification of the Institution of origin (if applicable).
3.- Content of the work.
It is very important to present the information and consistently develop the ideas and arguments so that a research note is carried out correctly.
To do this, an introduction to the topic to be narrated or the problem raised must be included, as well as to present evidence related to the main idea of the research; these can include tables, pictures and graphs.
Then follows the argumentation and discussion of the study topic, which includes the author's personal opinion based on his personal experience and what he has observed..
To ensure and maintain enthusiasm throughout the completion of the research note, as much information must be reviewed and extensive research and experimentation must be done.
Choose an investigation based on the author's strengths and abilities and the resources available to carry it out.
The method that best suits the nature of the investigation should be chosen.
By making a preliminary outline, thoughts and ideas are put in order.
It is important to know the objective in advance, it can be done by formulating a question, a thesis presentation or a hypothesis statement.
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