Rubric Tiger Characteristics, Types and Example

Basil Manning
Rubric Tiger Characteristics, Types and Example

The tiger rubric refers to a set of educational techniques that are intended to make successful contributions in the discussions that take place in the forums of the network and evaluate their effectiveness. It is an academic-educational tactic that allows easy understanding of how to design a forum for discussions in virtual classrooms.

In this case the word "tiger" is an acronym; that is, a word created from the initials of other words. This pedagogical-andragogical resource seeks to generate significant learning from the individual and group contributions of the participants in an online socialized discussion. 

This rubric aims to potentiate the cognitive value of the forums by providing appropriate participation and evaluation tools to their participants. Each of the letters that make it up refers to a series of recommendations that point to the behavior to be followed when writing an article on the web..

This generates a positive and participatory impact on readers; meaningful learning requires effective communication. It should be clear that the word "rubric" in the educational field does not mean "sign", but rather refers to a series of evaluative criteria.

These criteria are intended to guide students towards learning. Each teacher who applies them takes into account the individual and group strengths and weaknesses of their students. The term “tiger rubric” was coined in 2005 by Álvaro Galvis, who sought to recreate new learning environments on the web.

Galvis outlined what he considered should be the steps to follow when preparing a comment to upload it to the internet. His goal was to foster true and inclusive teachings.

Article index

  • 1 Meaning of the acronym "tiger"
    • 1.1 T: telling title
    • 1.2 I: ilation
    • 1.3 G: generate discussion
    • 1.4 R: writing and presentation
    • 1.5 E: enrich the discussion
  • 2 Features
  • 3 Types
    • 3.1 Global tiger rubric
    • 3.2 Analytical tiger rubric
  • 4 Examples
    • 4.1 Valuation parameters "Tigre" to the participation made
  • 5 Importance
  • 6 References

Meaning of the acronym "tiger"

T: telling title

When speaking of a telling title, reference is made to a striking statement, which speaks for itself, which clearly shows the content of what you want to convey.

Galvis limited this because when there are too many contributions in a forum, the people who participate do not have time to be reading large amounts of information. People, by looking at the title, determine what to drink and what not to drink for their research.

Now, if when people arrive at the forum they see a clear and concise title that they like, they will stop to read and take what suits them. It is practically one of the most significant elements, because it is the one that catches the participant.

I: ilation

After the title, this is what will allow the reader to continue in the article or to withdraw. Threading is the way in which the creator of textual content weaves the main ideas to build the body of his speech.

Regarding discussions in forums, which is what the tiger rubric basically applies to, the thread will be determined by the conversational thread of the forum. You must be attentive to the participation of the members and respond eloquently based on what has been discussed.

It must be remembered that the tiger rubric seeks to generate group knowledge, the formation of a conglomerate, not an individual. Although the contribution is subjective, it responds to an objective load generated by the mass of participants in the discussion..

Reasoning, inference, presumption, deduction, and other cognitive attitudes play a key role in crafting a compelling and productive plot..

G: generate discussion

The tiger rubric invites to stimulate the participants to continue contributing ideas to the forum. It is about forging a continuity in the formulation of unknowns; more and more contributions must be requested from the participants to generate meaningful learning.

The more ideas are expressed in relation to the subject (what they call "new seeds"), the greater the apprehension of knowledge. Greater amount of content generates greater amount of neuronal connections, both individual and collective, regarding the subject.

R: writing and presentation

It alludes to the way in which the idea is raised from the syntactic and grammatical point of view. Many times you can have great ideas and contributions, as well as great seeds to expand and deepen conversations, but language and writing skills do not help..

At other times, you have a good notion of writing but you work too quickly. Not letting ideas rest is a problem; If it does not rest, at the time of publication, small errors escape that reduce the strength of the speech.

It is recommended to read carefully and aloud each of the entries that will be made before they are even published. This will allow you to refine the message and achieve greater efficiency when transmitting the idea you want to send..

E: enrich the discussion

Apart from the aforementioned, a good forum writer not only creates good titles, has a good thread, generates ideas that become seeds and multiply, and writes well what he thinks, but also enriches the conversation every time it manifests.

In order to achieve this, the forum member does not limit himself to what he knows or what he reads in the entry thread. The participant must seek and investigate outside the forum, analyze and refine what was obtained and bring it to the discussion.

Enriching the discussion gives new dimensions to the cognitive act, broadens the learning possibilities of the participants. It is not about being there, but about being to have an impact, to change, to reinvent and innovate.


- It is used in the field of networks, it was thought to enrich the contributions that are made in the discussions that are generated in the forums.

- It covers two basic aspects: how to generate the content for the forum and how to assess the level of participation. Both aspects are governed by what is explained in the letters that make up the acronym, only that the first is mainly participatory and the second evaluative.

- The tiger rubric should be applied for constructive purposes, not pejorative ones. The partner will not be destroyed, it will be evaluated to improve.

- It has a dual character, because at the same time that the partner is evaluated, there is an intrinsic self-evaluation in process. Whoever evaluates is also measuring and improving the quality of their participation.

- Facilitates the creation of clear content in discussions. This quality leads to generating greater participation and, therefore, more solid learning.

- It generates connectivity, painstakingly weaving together the various thoughts and ideas that the participants contribute. This individual creates effective knowledge networks that enrich and positively link forum members.

- Motivates intervention, ending the habit of the "passive subject" in discussions.

- It increases the improvement in writing to achieve more consistent and effective messages, which maximizes the communicative capacity of the participants.

- Encourages participants to enrich discussions through research, which adds a dynamism that enhances the skills of forum members.


Based on the main concepts of the term "rubric" in the educational field, two types of rubric tiger can be differentiated:

Global tiger rubric

When speaking of the global aspect, reference is made to the fact that the potentialities of the general product resulting in a socialized discussion are analyzed and evaluated. It is not repaired in the particular aspects of the learning generation process, but in the general.

The global tiger rubric focuses on the macro-content, on the aptitudes that the student must assume at the end of a meeting of ideas regarding the generalities of the subject.

Analytical Tiger Rubric

This, contrary to the previous one, is in charge of evaluating and analyzing each of the parts that make up the individual learning process; seeks to debug everything that hinders the good performance of the forum.

The analytical tiger rubric looks at individual processes, the details of learning, in order to get the most out of the participant. It seeks to clean the rough edges that prevent the subject from becoming the best version of himself..

This particular rubric makes it easy to create a SWOT matrix of the individual. This makes it possible to eliminate weaknesses and threats in the long run, affirm strengths and seize opportunities..


Valuation parameters "Tigre" to the participation made

To evaluate, the exposed in the explanation of the letters of the acronym must be taken into account.

The evaluator adds a subjective percentage value to each letter, and the weightings that he is going to consider for each one will depend on his appreciation regarding the performance of the subject evaluated regarding the characteristics of the participation in question..

If the evaluated person complied fully, he has the highest weight; If not, they do not reach the maximum score and they are explained why and what they should do to improve their contribution.

The following “tiger” ratings are based on the sample article presented above. In this case, each parameter oscillates between 0 and 100%, and they are of an individual analytical nature. Here you can see the perspectives of a teacher and a student regarding the participation of a student in a fictitious forum:

Example 1

Evaluator: José Valbuena (teacher).

T: 60% of 100% because: "The title was very long, you should try to be more concise ...".

I: 90% of 100% because: "Very good thread, the speech is well conducted, although it can improve".

G: 80% of 100% because: "It manages to motivate the creation of new entries from the participants".

A: 90% of 100% because: "Writing in height, good command of syntax and grammar".

E: 90% of 100% because: "He managed to enrich the discussion with that final contribution".

Average: 82% of 100%.

Congratulations, you are on the right track ".

Example 2

Evaluator: Pedro Rodríguez (student).

T: 95% of 100% because: “The title was appropriate. Well achieved ".

I: 95% of 100% because: "Very good connection, what was explained was understood".

G: 90% of 100% because: "It motivates the creation of new entries from the participants in an original way".

A: 90% of 100% because: "Very good writing, excellent command of syntax and grammar".

E: 90% of 100% because: "Excellent enrichment of the discussion with that final contribution".

Average: 92% of 100%.

Congratulations, excellent job ”.


By coining the term "tiger", Álvaro Galvis seeks to convey the idea of ​​dynamism, of writing to impact the network fiercely, with claw. Promotes putting aside passivity, generating significant changes. The tiger is a fierce but observant animal that knows when to attack and how to do it effectively..

The “tiger” attack of a good forum member is based on his capacity for analysis. Improve your response to the topic and the ideas that arise around it. Validating the other participants increases ties and encourages growth in group participation. This achieves to give a greater depth in the subjects.

Its evaluative nature allows those who apply it to consciously study their participations, in order to determine their potentialities and defects..

The tiger rubric is a resource that strengthens discursive learning broadly, as well as promotes the inclusion of individuals in the training process of their peers, generating links of great intellectual and affective value..

All those who apply the tiger rubric also improve their interaction on social networks, which enables them to commit to creating truly valid content that promotes the real educational growth of communities..


  1. Galvis, A. (2012). Criteria and tiger rubric to self-control the quality of contributions in discussions. USA: Tigre contribution. Recovered from:
  2. Tiger Rubric (2012). Colombia: Jokabuma. Recovered from:
  3. Caicedo, J. (S. F.). Tiger rubric. Colombia: John Caicedo. Recovered from:
  4. Galvis, A. (2005). Tiger rubric. Colombia: Pandora. Recovered from:
  5. Tiger rubric in the participation of a forum. (2013). (n / a): Technology, philosophy and language. Recovered from:

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