Money receipt

Sherman Hoover
Money receipt example

What is a money receipt?

A money receipt is a document by means of which a natural or legal person acknowledges having received an amount of money from another individual. It is a document that has a legal weight, because it represents the evidence that a payment was made for a certain amount. Also called proof of payment

If you need to make several receipts, it is best to buy a money receipt book at a stationery store. These are already written to be filled out and used and can even have numbers. In this way it will be possible to be more organized, by having them together in the same checkbook.

They can also be made individually quite simply, using a word processor and including the necessary elements. Its wording is quite short.

There are different models of receipt of money to be used in different transactions, such as the payment of the rent of the house, the payment of an advance, the payment of fees to a professional, etc..

What is a money receipt for?

The receipt of money is a document that serves for a person to state that they have received a certain amount of money from another, for a certain concept. Therefore, it constitutes evidence that a payment has been made.

These mainly provide people who make a payment in money with great security and legal certainty, since there is a document stating the payment that they have actually made..

For example, this document can be used for the partial or total settlement of a debt, the payment of periodic fees, the payment of services, and in general, for any circumstance that involves the delivery of an amount of money for a specific concept..

These commercial transactions are carried out between two parties: who receives the payment and who delivers it. It is always important to leave legal evidence of the economic activities that are carried out, this type of receipt being a good idea.

Make different types of payment

On the other hand, there are also receipts of money that are related to specific matters, such as a receipt for the delivery of services and / or goods, or a receipt for payment of rent, where more information can be specified in relation to the payment that is being made. running.

It is important not to confuse this document with a payment commitment letter or a promissory note, because these documents are commitments to pay a debt over a certain period, while the receipt of money certifies that the payment has already been made, without having required a prior commitment in between.

How to make a money receipt? Data that includes

First of all, it must be clear what data should be included and what to put in each part. Once a money receipt format has been created, it should be maintained for all transactions in which it is to be used, in order to give a more professional image..

To complete the receipt, you need to have the data of the person or entity that issues it, as well as the person who receives the payment for the corresponding service or product delivery, which must be recorded in the receipt..

Items to include

This is a legal document, where an amount of money received in exchange for a service or product is expressed. For the money receipt to be valid, the information to include in it is:

  • Header

The title "Money receipt" or "Proof of payment" must appear to identify the document.

  • Date

This element corresponds to the date on which the corresponding money is being delivered.

  • Number or folio

This is an optional element, which is recommended only when several money receipts are issued and they are made periodically..

  • Names

Corresponds to the names of both the person or entity that has made the payment of money, as well as the person or entity that has received said payment.

  • Payment amount

The amount of money that is being delivered. It is advisable to write this figure in both numbers and letters.

  • Concept or reason for payment

A concise and brief description or enumeration of what is being paid should be made, indicating what type of obligation is being paid.

For example, a share of the total price of a product, common expenses, the provision of a service, etc. It may also be specified in the event that the payment is an advance of a total sum that will be paid later.

  • Firm

Made by who is receiving the payment. It is very important not to sign it before the money is received and counted..

Other considerations

In any situation in which this document is used, it must be stated that the delivery of money was received in accordance. Otherwise, if the delivery does not satisfy the person who receives the money, the observations that explain said disagreement must be written..

After completing the receipt, the person who receives the amount of money must sign it in two copies.

One of the copies will remain in the possession of the person who signed this document and the other will be delivered to the person who makes the delivery of the money, both keeping their copy as proof that the payment was actually made under the terms that appear in the document..

In the event that it is necessary to cancel the receipt of money, it can be done, for this it is required to write in legible hand in front of it the word “CANCELED”, and must be signed by the person who gave the money to state that they agree with the cancellation of said receipt of money.

Money receipt example

Money receipt

Date: January 20, 2021.

Number: 2004487

I received from Empresas Unidas Mexicanas S.A. de C.V. the sum of $ 2,500.00 (Two thousand five hundred pesos with 00/100) for the concept of: Payment for urgent repair of damage to the water pipes located in the Quality Control department.


Alfredo Garcia Landa

I received in accordance

Formats to download

General / simple

Here is a format of a general money receipt, focused on Mexico:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.

For purchase of land

The following is a format of a receipt of money for the purchase of land, focused on Mexico:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.

For vehicle purchase

The following is a format of a receipt of money for the purchase of a vehicle, focused on Mexico:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.

For alimony

The following is a format of a receipt of money for alimony, focused on Mexico:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.

For lease

The following is a format of a receipt of money for rent, focused on Mexico:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.

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