The material resources of a company They are all the tangible assets that you have at the time of carrying out your activity. These may include buildings, raw materials, land, machinery, office supplies, computer equipment, vehicles, among others..
All of these directly or indirectly influence the production process of the company. That is why they have to be looked at with a magnifying glass and managed correctly to increase productivity and, therefore, achieve the primary objective of the organization: maximize profit.
Good management of these can depend on whether an organization works efficiently and successfully or, on the contrary, fails and has continuous losses.
Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to the administration and integration of these materials when planning the activities of the organization..
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The organization, as an entity with the objective of maximizing its profit through efficient use of its resources, must manage resources carefully. Otherwise, poor management can lead to losses, delays and problems with stocks..
Therefore, the three questions to ask are the following:
- How to improve the result with the same materials?
The solutions here could be in the quality of the materials, or the improvement of productivity.
- How to reduce the materials obtaining the same result?
Reduce the consumption of materials, reusing, eliminating the unnecessary ones, and carrying out a detailed planning of the really necessary materials.
- How to reduce the materials improving the result?
This would be the most ambitious goal, and it can be achieved through a combination of the two previous solutions..
In this sense, there are various techniques to implement in a company in order to achieve the above results:
Monitoring the organization's inventory is essential to manage stocks and increase profit, thus increasing their efficiency..
With this system it is possible to find out the necessary amount of materials, parts and components when generating a specific final product. With this we will reduce the cost of unnecessary materials.
It is necessary to evaluate the quality of the different materials in order to offer the best possible good or service. In this way, lower quality materials can be replaced, increasing utility and, with it, the final result..
Reusing materials, either to produce with these other products or directly, is a good way to reduce costs.
It is necessary to ensure that with this reuse or recycling the material resource does not lose quality, affecting the final result in a negative way..
Integration is the function through which the resources needed to execute the plans and activities of the organization are decided and obtained..
In the case of material resources, the objectives of integration are the selection of reliable suppliers that guarantee continuous quality in the supply of materials and compliance with optimal times, as well as periodic monitoring..
The materials have to be organized in warehouses, either for raw materials of goods in process or final goods.
1- Define the needs and qualities of the resources in question.
2- Establish quality standards, times and attributes of materials.
3- Determine where the materials will be obtained.
4- Select the best supplier based on the previous study.
5- Choose the resources based on the previous standards.
Within the material resources, these can be divided into two types: transformation goods and utilization goods.
They are those that are manipulated and used for the production of other goods. These can be used directly or indirectly.
They are directly manipulated in the process of generating other goods; for example, machinery, computer equipment, raw materials or tools.
All the machines used in the organization that are used to produce consumer goods would enter here. For example, a machine to produce clothes in a textile factory.
All equipment used in the activity of the company, such as computers or tablets.
Raw materials are resources that are obtained directly from nature, which will later be used in the production of the final goods of the organization. Some examples could be wood, iron, energy, water or oil.
Depending on their origin, they can be divided into vegetables (wood, cotton, wheat ...), animals (wool, leather, meat ...), minerals (iron, bronze, steel ...), liquid and gaseous (water, oxygen, nitrogen ...) and fossils (oil, natural gas, coal ...).
It includes the tools that are used in the production process; for example, hammers, nails, screws ...
Land, buildings or vehicles are materials that indirectly influence production. If they did not exist, production would be greatly affected, even becoming impossible in many cases..
The land where the company's facilities are located is part of its material resources.
The own buildings, factories or offices that an organization has.
If the company has vehicles used at some point in the production process, these are also material resources; for example: trucks, delivery vans, employee cars, etc..
They are those that are used by themselves for sale or consumption. These include stocks or office supplies.
If the organization markets physical goods, all the inventories it has are part of the material resources.
Includes the consumable materials of a workspace, such as paper, pens, ink, etc..
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