Learn to make a descriptive review it will save your life on more than one occasion, because we are talking about a document with high circulation in academic environments and the media where it is sought to make a synthesis of the most relevant information around a particular topic.
If you want to know what a descriptive review is and how to do it, you are in the right place.
A descriptive review is a text that aims to synthesize a topic as much as possible, including the most important elements, so that the reader can perfectly understand the background of a referenced information.
Descriptive reviews are generally made on a book, research paper, film, course, lecture or other type of work of art or article directed to the public..
The main feature of a review is the synthesis. For no reason should you make a text longer than the reviewed text.
Key concepts: Your review should include the key concepts addressed in the reviewed work or text, the idea is that readers know what the central axes are.
A good descriptive review also takes into account present the most important arguments, so that the reader knows from where the main thesis is supported.
Another element is to use a formal writing if it is academic texts, it is important to highlight that the scientific language must be adapted to the communicative norms established for the academy.
Regardless of what the subject of your review is, you should watch your spelling, remember that in any text, clean writing is the best cover letter.
A descriptive review is generally written in prose and its structure is inferred as the text unfolds. However, you can help yourself with subtitles to give more order to ideas.
In the same way you can resort to graphic tools like bullets to make lists, enumerations or delimitations of information that you consider relevant to the public.
Now that you are clear about the main characteristics, it is time to get down to business and learn how to make a descriptive review..
The descriptive review is a text written in prose that consists of three main parts, which contain the most relevant information regarding a topic. The development of this type of text is classic, that is, it has the archetypal narrative form: Beginning, development and end.
In the first part of the text you must make it clear to the reader, what is the text, film, work reviewed. At this point, it is ideal to give a general context of the work that allows us to understand what the main theme of the review is..
In the development of the descriptive review, the main argument or thesis about the work will be discussed and the structure that the author used to present it will be explained..
That is, if we are talking about an academic article, what we will do is show the logical order that the author used to raise his argument. We can do this by analyzing the main topics or subtitles that serve as a navigation map within the main text..
The idea is that in this part you realize the elements that support the main hypothesis.
The conclusion is the main synthesisl, the most important point reached by the author with his argument, it must be clear and show in depth the conclusions found in the main text.
At this point, it should be noted that, when we talk about the main text, we refer to the information outlined, regardless of whether it is a written text or a film or conference..
It's great! Since you are clear about the structure of the descriptive review, it is time for you to learn some application tips that can help you make it more effective..
If you follow these steps to the letter, you will most likely have a great descriptive review as a result.
Read the text thoroughly as many times as necessary. The idea is that in these readings the most important ideas are underlined, as this will help you in the next steps.
After having read the text thoroughly, it is time to identify the main concepts, keywords or central ideas of the text. This in order to be able to develop the text clearly, without forgetting information or without going around the same point constantly..
Planning the shape of your text is ideal so that when you sit down to write your objectives are clear, for this you must answer yourself: What am I going to review? What kind of audience am I going to write for? What do I want to argue with this review? What kind of language am I going to use?
With this clear, it is time to move on to the next point.
Now that you are clear about the formal elements, the next step is to create an outline for the presentation of the information. At this point you must take into account the structure raised above (Presentation / Arguments / Conclusion).
Choose the information that will go in each of these parts, establish the logical order so that you can support the arguments as faithful as possible to the original structure.
It is necessary that within the review it is necessary to speak specifically about what is in the text, that is why it is not well seen that you permeate the original information with personal opinions.
And ready! You already have all the information you need to start writing your review. Remember that it must be a text written in prose, although you can use subtitles to give greater cohesion to the text and help the reader to navigate within the textual universe..
We hope that these tips for writing a descriptive review serve as a guide for your academic or communication tasks and projects.
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