
Egbert Haynes

Synchrodestination has to do with coincidences that happen to us throughout life. Those paths that we have taken, which perhaps we do not understand, have led us to greater opportunities, to things that we never dreamed of, in this way we co-create with the Universe in our favor..

For this, we are aware of the existence of collective consciousness, an energy that we can access which has an order and is there with the purpose that our soul finds its great mission.

If we believe in synchrodestination, when we go out into the world, we will see signs in it, coincidences and we can experience beyond ourselves as human beings.

For this it is important that we have defined what we want, what are our dreams, what is our short and medium term objective. Otherwise, we will hardly identify a match if we don't know what we really want.

Therefore, it is required to have an idea of ​​what we want, what our dreams are and where we want to go, which goes hand in hand with our life mission..

When we are at this point, we are already in connection with intuition, creativity, the union with universal intelligence. We are in a state of LOVE not fear. We are in the present not in the past or the future, we wake up to what may happen in each moment and in a position to observe the coincidences.

If you already know that you want to make a garden, become a certified coach, open a holistic center or write a book, you will go out into the world with that idea and with intention and attention.

The attention it will generate that when you go out into the world, with your clear idea, you have a compass to see those things that coincide with what you want to get closer to what you want to create, your goal.

It doesn't matter how many goals you have, the important thing is that you have clarity and are aware of what you are creating. 

Once we enter this world, we observe that we reflect on ourselves. If we know that within ourselves there are several ways to achieve our goals, llife will become generous in opportunities.

Intention: the energy of intention is so powerful that it transforms the energy of what is outside into a possibility.

The universe speaks to us constantly, tells us: here I am, believe, seek and ask.

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