Sum of vectors graphic method, examples, solved exercises

Basil Manning

The vector sum is the addition operation between vectors that results in another vector. Vectors are characterized by having magnitude, and also direction and sense. Therefore it is not possible, in general, to add them as it would be done with scalar quantities, that is, by adding numbers.

The vector obtained from the sum of several vectors is called resultant vector. In Mechanics they talk about the resultant force, which is the vector sum of all the forces on a body. This resultant is equivalent to the set or system of forces.

To fully specify the sum vector it is necessary to indicate the magnitude and the unit, the direction and the sense.

It is important to note that when adding vectors, they must represent the same physical magnitude, therefore the vector sum is a homogeneous operation. This means that we can add one force to another, but not a force with a displacement, since the result is meaningless.

Several methods are available to find the resulting vector: graphical and analytical. To find vector sums with graphic methods, we start from a simple representation for a vector, namely an oriented segment or arrow like this:

Graphical representation of a vector in the plane. Source: F. Zapata.

Vectors are denoted by bold letters in printed text, or by an arrow above the letter, to distinguish them from their respective magnitudes or scalar quantities. For example, the magnitude of the vector v It is simply v.

Article index

  • 1 Graphical method for adding vectors
    • 1.1 Example
    • 1.2 Special case: sum of parallel vectors
  • 2 Examples of vector addition
    • 2.1 - Displacements
    • 2.2 - Resulting velocity
  • 3 Exercise resolved
    • 3.1 Solution
  • 4 References

Graphical method for adding vectors

To add more than two coplanar vectors the polygon method or traverse method, which consists of translating itself parallel to each of the addend vectors. A characteristic of vectors is that they are invariant with respect to the translation, therefore we will use this property to establish the sum.

We start with any of the vectors, since vector addition is commutative and the order of the addends does not alter the sum. The second vector is translated next, matching its origin with the end of the first.

Then it is brought to the next vector and it is placed next, following the same procedure, which is to make the origin coincide with the end of the previous one. Proceed in this way until the last vector is positioned.

The resulting vector is the one that joins the origin of the first with the free end of the last. The name of this method comes from the resulting figure: a polygon.


Example of the sum of two vectors in the plane by the graphic method. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Take as an example the sum of two vectors or Y v shown in the figure above.

Starting with the vector or, moved to vector v to match its origin with the end of the first. The resulting vector w is drawn from the origin of or to the end of v, forming a three-sided figure: a triangle. That is why in this special case, the procedure is called triangle method.

Note an important detail, the magnitude or module of the resulting vector is not the sum of the modules of the vectors added. In fact, it is almost always less, unless the vectors are parallel..

Let's see next what happens in this case.

Special case: sum of parallel vectors

The described method can also be applied to the special case where the vectors are parallel. Let's consider the following example:

Sum of parallel vectors. Source: F. Zapata.

It is left to the vector v in its original position, and is translated to the vector or in such a way that its origin agrees with the end of  v. Now a vector is drawn starting from the origin of v and ends the end of or.

This is the resultant vector w and its size is the sum of the sizes of the addends. The direction and the sense of the three vectors is the same.

The resulting vector has a maximum modulus if the addends form an angle of 0º with each other, as in the example. If the vectors form an angle of 180º to each other, then the resulting vector has minimum modulus.

Examples of vector addition

- Displacements

A cyclist travels first 3 km heading north and then 4 km west. Your displacement, which we call R, is easily found with the triangle method plus a reference frame, where the cardinal points are marked:

Resulting from two displacements. Source: F. Zapata.

Steps for vector addition

-The starting point is made to coincide with the origin of the reference system.

-On the coordinate axes, a scale is chosen, which in this case is 1 cm = 1 km

-The first displacement is drawn to scale d1.

-Then to d1 the second offset is drawn dtwo, also to scale.

-The resulting displacement R is a vector that goes from the origin to the end of dtwo.

-The size of R is measured with a graduated ruler, it is easy to check that R = 5.

-Finally the angle that R shape with the horizontal is measured with the help of a protractor and is θ = 37 0

- Resulting velocity

A swimmer wants to cross a river and for this he swims at a speed of 6 km / h, perpendicular to the shore, but a current that carries a speed of 4 km / h diverts him.

To know its resulting speed, the speed vectors of the swimmer, which has been drawn vertical, and of the current, which is shown horizontal, are added.

Following the graphical method the resulting velocity is obtained vR:

Resulting speed. Source: F. Zapata.

The deflection experienced by the swimmer can be calculated by:

θ = arctg (4/6) = 33.7º to the right of its initial direction

The magnitude of its speed is increased thanks to the fact that the speed of the river is added vectorially. It can be found by carefully setting a scale, as in the example above.

Or with the help of the trigonometric ratios of 33.7º:

sin 33.7º = 4 / vR

vR = 4 / sin 33.7º = 7.21 km / h

Exercise resolved

The following forces act on a particle, the magnitudes of which are listed below:

F1= 2.5 N; Ftwo= 3 N; F3= 4 N; F4= 2.5 N

Find the resultant force.

Coplanar force system. Source: F. Zapata.


We can add graphically starting with any of the vectors, since the vector sum is commutative.

In figure A we started with F1. Establishing a scale and with the help of a ruler and square, the other vectors are transferred to place them one after the other..

The vector FR is directed from the origin of F1 to the end of F4. Its magnitude is 5.2 N and it forms an angle of 26.5º with respect to the horizontal.

Vector graphic addition. Source: F. Zapata.

In figure B the same problem was solved, starting with F3 and ending with F4, to get equal FR .

The polygons are different, but the result is the same. The reader can do the test by changing the order of the vectors again.


  1. Bauer, W. 2011. Physics for Engineering and Sciences. Volume 1. Mc Graw Hill.
  2. Bedford, 2000. A. Engineering Mechanics: Statics. Addison wesley.
  3. Figueroa, D. (2005). Series: Physics for Science and Engineering. Volume 1. Kinematics. Edited by Douglas Figueroa (USB).
  4. Giambattista, A. 2010. Physics. 2nd. Ed. McGraw Hill.
  5. Sears, Zemansky. 2016. University Physics with Modern Physics. 14th. Ed. Volume 1.

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