Interfacial tension definition, equation, units and measurement

Egbert Haynes
Interfacial tension definition, equation, units and measurement

The interfacial tension (γ) is the net force per unit length that is exerted on the contact surface between one phase (solid or liquid) and another (solid, liquid or gas). The net force is vertical to the contact surface and is directed towards the interior of the phases.

When one of the phases is a gas it is usually called surface tension. The phases in contact are immiscible, that is, they cannot dissolve together to form a solution. The region of contact between the phases is a geometric separation surface called interface. Interfacial tension is due to intermolecular forces present at the interface.

Forces between molecules of a liquid in contact with air [By Booyabazooka (]

Interfacial tension plays an important role in many interfacial phenomena and processes, such as emulsion production and oil production..

Article index

  • 1 Definition
    • 1.1 Definition based on work and energy
  • 2 Equation and units of interfacial tension
  • 3 Temperature dependence
  • 4 Measurement of interfacial tension
    • 4.1 Wilhelmy plate method
    • 4.2 Du Nouy ring method
    • 4.3 Slope drop method
    • 4.4 Rotating drop method
  • 5 References


The properties of the interface are not the same as the properties inside the phases in contact, because different molecular interactions are manifested because in that region there are molecules that belong to both one phase and the other..

Molecules within a phase interact with neighboring molecules, which have similar properties. Consequently, the internal net force is zero because the attractive and repulsive interactions are the same in all possible directions..

The molecules that are on the surface between the two phases are surrounded by molecules from the same phase but also by neighboring molecules from the other phase..

In this case, the net force is not zero, and is directed towards the interior of the phase in which there is greater interaction. The result is that the energy state of the molecules on the surface is greater than the energy state within the phase.

The net force acting inward per unit length along the interface is the interfacial tension. Due to this force, the molecules spontaneously tend to minimize energy, minimizing the surface area for each unit of volume..

Definition based on work and energy

To attract a molecule from the inside to the surface it is necessary that the forces acting on the molecule exceed the net force. In other words, work is required to increase the interfacial surface..

Force necessary to increase the interfacial region. (

The greater the net intermolecular force, the greater the work to be done and the greater the energy input. For this reason, interfacial tension is also defined as a function of work or as a function of energy, as mentioned below:

Interfacial tension is the work required to create a unit area at the interface. Likewise, the interfacial tension is defined as the free energy required per unit area created.

Interfacial tension equation and units

The equation of the interfacial tension as a function of the net intermolecular force is:

γ = F / 2l          [1]

F = Net force

l = interface length

The number 2 that appears in equation [1] means that there are two surfaces, one for each face of the interface.

The interfacial tension as a function of the work required to generate a unit of surface area is expressed by the following equation:

γ = W / ΔA          [two]

W = Work

ΔA = Increase in surface area

The creation of the interfacial area is accompanied by an increase in the free energy of formation.

γ = ΔE/ΔA          [3]

ΔE = Energy of formation of the interface

The interfacial tension units in the international system are N / m or Joules / mtwo. Dyn / cm or mN / m is also often used.

Temperature dependence

One of the main factors affecting interfacial tension is temperature. As the temperature increases, the interaction forces decrease, as a consequence of this, the net force that contracts the surface also decreases, causing a decrease in the interfacial tension..

Surface tension as a function of the temperature of the water-air system [(]

If the temperature continues to increase, there will come a time when the interfacial tension will disappear and there will no longer be any interface between the phases. The temperature at which the interfacial tension vanishes is called the critical temperature (tc).

The reason why the interfacial tension decreases is that as the temperature increases, the kinetic energy increases due to the increase in the thermal movement of the molecules..

Measurement of interfacial tension

There are different methods of experimental measurement of the interfacial tension, among which the most suitable can be chosen according to the characteristic properties of the phases in contact and the experimental conditions..

These methods include the Wilhelmy plate method, the Du Nouy ring method, the pendant drop method, and the rotating drop method..

Wilhelmy plate method

It consists of measuring the downward force exerted by the surface of a liquid phase on an aluminum or glass plate. The net force exerted on the plate equals the weight plus the tensile force. The weight of the plate is obtained by a torsion-sensitive microbalance attached to the plate by a device.

Du Nouy ring method

In this method, the force to separate the surface of a metal ring from a liquid surface is measured, making sure that before measuring, the ring is completely submerged in the liquid. The separation force is equal to the interfacial tension and is measured using a high precision balance.

Slope drop method

This method is based on measuring the deformation of a drop hanging from a capillary. The drop is kept in balance while it is hanging because the tensile force equals the weight of the drop.

The elongation of the drop is proportional to the weight of the drop. The method is based on determining the elongation length of the drop due to its weight.

Pending drop method [By Urocyon (]

Rotating drop method

The rotating drop method is very useful for measuring very low interfacial tensions that apply to the production process of emulsions and microemulsions..

It consists of placing a drop of a less dense liquid inside a capillary tube filled with another liquid. The drop is subjected to a centrifugal force due to a rotating movement, with great speed, which lengthens the drop on the axis and opposes the tension force.

The interfacial tension is obtained from the dimensions of the geometric shape of the drop, being deformed, and the speed of rotation.


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