Homosexuality has been considered a normal behavior in some cultures and a crime in others such as the Judeo-Christian culture, in which homosexuality was taken as an attempt against the values of society and the family since they did not lead to the reproduction of the species and did not serve to maintain the social structure.
It has been considered as a mental illness in recent times, considering homosexual men and women "sick" since it was thought that they wanted to follow a heterosexual life and something was preventing them..
Today homosexuality is considered a lifestyle or option in our days. It is no longer classified in the DSM as a mental illness, today it is not about changing sexual orientation but about train in behaviors and attitudes that allow them to lead a healthy life and with minimal conflicts with the society in which they live.
I would like to take a step through the history of homosexuality and the different forms of psychological and psychiatric treatment that we have been adopting and changing until today.
First, traditional therapies for homosexuality were based on the psychoanalysis or learning theory (behavior modification).
Today the therapy that is used so that the homosexual group can lead a healthier life is the Affirmative Therapy.
The vast majority of LGTBI people who visit the psychiatrist or clinical psychologist do not seek a change in their life, if not, an acceptance of themselves and achieve a better coexistence with the people around them.
Origin of the term Affirmative Therapy
The term Affirmative Therapies (originally “Affirmative therapy”), as its own author indicates, was coined in 1982, its use and diffusion is scarce.
As we have indicated previously, this new approach to homosexuality is considered as a style or a choice of life, as normal as heterosexuality can be..
The values of such therapy are rooted in the belief that homosexuals they want to learn to live in peace with themselves, with others and achieve a better functioning in the social context.
Sometimes the consultant needs guidance on whether or not to "come out of the closet", it may be the case of someone who has just ended a heterosexual relationship and thinks of starting a homosexual relationship and does not know how to communicate it.
It can also be the case of a homosexual couple with children who ask if it is convenient to reveal their sexual orientation or have expressions of affection with the person they live with, being of the same sex ..., or simply to express their sexual condition individually to your closest environment.
We know that the courts share the homophobic prejudices of society considering homosexuals as couples who cannot become good parents and whose children run the risk of “degenerating”.
This is false, as shown in some scientific research, the children of homosexuals do not have this same orientation in a higher percentage than the children of heterosexual couples. As in the breeding, homosexual couples have the same problems as heterosexual couples.
The psychotherapist dealing with homosexual clients needs to know in detail his own feelings and attitudes towards gay patients and how social norms affect them, hence the existence of LGTBI affirmative therapy.
The LGTBI affirmative therapy, It is a therapy focused on providing psychologists with adequate tools to understand and help the LGTBI community (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersex).
We have to take into account as psychology professionals that we live in a heterosexual society, and that bisexual, gay and bisexual people must face violence and discrimination, hence we have to understand that social stigmatization, prejudice and discrimination can become sources of stress.
Psychology professionals must understand, as we have indicated in the previous paragraphs, that the sexual condition of gays, lesbians and bisexuals does not come from mental illnesses, understanding that two people of the same sex can attract.
Bisexual people are not a homogeneous group, we find diversity reflected in culture, identity development, relationships, etc. In this case, there are studies that reveal that they may have higher levels of depression, anxiety, suicide, and substance abuse that lesbian, gay and straight people.
Within affirmative therapy, it must be taken into account that the LGTBI collective must adapt to hostile conditions in their relationships, to the lack of protection that same-sex families have at a legal and medical level, along with the problems that may arise adopt, when deciding on custody or visitation of infants.
Gay, lesbian and bisexual people, being minority groups, have to negotiate their norms and values that can lead to situations of anger, frustration and pain, it must be taken into account as a psychology professional and know effective coping strategies.
It must be taken into account that it is likely that young gays, lesbians and bisexuals are reluctant to express their identity, this leads to a distancing from their family, peers, work environment, school ..., and may have poor performance in school, depression, substance use, or high-risk sexual behaviors.
Gay, lesbian and bisexual people who are also disabled are not only challenged by their disability, but also by their sexual orientation. A sensitive examination of the person's history of victimization would be advisable, requiring a reflective evaluation.
It is important to consider the impact that HIV has on the lives of these people.
The socioeconomic status of lesbians, gays, and bisexuals often affects them with low self-esteem, family conflict, and relationship problems. If their status is low they usually suffer depression, anxiety, shame.... and can persist throughout your life.
It is necessary to take into account the problems that gays, lesbians and bisexuals may have in their workplace, firstly on the barriers to choosing the job, the absence of benefits, such as leave for the death of a relative, care of children ... and the discrimination they may have.
Thanks to affirmative therapy, psychology professionals can better understand this minority group and use appropriate strategies being aware of all the situations in which this group can be affected.
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