Narrative Therapy Michael White Basics, Procedure, Techniques

Sherman Hoover

The narrative therapy It is a type of psychological therapy developed in the 1970s by Michael White and David Epston. Its main tool is the use of stories told in the third person to help the patient better understand key moments in their life and change their relationship with them, in order to achieve an improvement in their mental state.

Although it is a fairly recent psychological approach, narrative therapy became very popular in the United States and some European countries after the publication of the book. Narrative media for therapeutic purposes (1990) by White and Epston. From that moment on, this form of therapy began to be used to treat numerous problems.

For example, today narrative therapy is used to manage cases of disorders as different as schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or some disorders of body perception such as bulimia or anorexia. Through this therapy, the patient is able to give a new meaning to their problems and create a healthier relationship with them..

The main goal of narrative therapy is to enable the person to realize that the problem is an entity separate from himself. In this way, you can free yourself from the guilt that is usually associated with most mental disorders, and generate new ways of behaving and relating to your difficulties.

Article index

  • 1 Foundations of Michael White's Narrative Therapy
    • 1.1 - Focuses on stories about ourselves
    • 1.2 - Seeks to provide distance
    • 1.3 - Understand identity as something subjective
  • 2 Procedure
    • 2.1 Final goal of therapy
  • 3 Techniques
  • 4 References

Foundations of Narrative Therapy by Michael White

Michael White. Source: Jill Freedman / CC BY-SA (

- It focuses on stories about ourselves

One of the most important ideas in narrative therapy is that our concept of ourselves is largely conditioned by the stories we tell ourselves about our past and what we have done. Due to this, if we are able to change the perception of our history, we can also modify our self-concept.

Apart from this, narrative therapy also helps the person unearth stories that they may not be fully aware of and integrate them into the general account of their life. In this way, the individual is able to look at their problems with a more detached perspective, and can begin to handle them more efficiently..

- Seeks to provide distance

In general, it can be said that Michael White's narrative therapy has as its main objective to allow the person to examine the different aspects of his life in an objective and detached way. Through this outsourcing process, the individual can deal with their difficulties, traumas and negative feelings more effectively..

On the other hand, this distance also helps the individual to reflect on the motivations behind their behavior, their values, ideals and other positive aspects. Thus, it will be much easier for you to consciously choose which path you want to follow and how you want to behave from that moment on..

- Understand identity as something subjective

Unlike other psychological currents, narrative therapy maintains that our self-concept is not based on objective facts nor is it an absolute truth. Rather, he sees it as the result of the stories we tell ourselves, so it is a relatively easy thing to change..

Generally our identity is formed unconsciously as we absorb social messages about how we should be or the way we should behave. However, this process can be made conscious, thus changing the idea we have of ourselves and building healthier narratives.

Thus, for example, a person may get the idea that he has a problematic personality because of the way he often acts; But the narrative therapist can help her to realize that there are exceptions to her difficulty and that at all times she can choose to act more according to her values, so that she can take a new approach and think differently about her problem..


The narrative therapy developed by Michael White is always carried out following a certain procedure. At first, the patient makes a detailed description of their problems, from which they work together with the therapist to detect the difficulties they face, their unconscious beliefs, the resources they have and their values..

During the different sessions, the therapist acts as a kind of researcher, examining the relationship that the patient has with his problem, bringing all aspects of it to the surface and helping the person to look at it objectively. In this way, it is easier to see how the way of acting can be changed and therefore the results that are being achieved..

Throughout the process, the therapist asks different questions and asks the patient to expand on certain issues or aspects that he believes are key to solving the problem. Its main objective is to discover the values ​​and strengths that can serve as a guide to face the difficulties that will inevitably be encountered..

Final goal of therapy

The ultimate goal of narrative therapy is to get the person to become aware of the exceptions to their problem, in such a way that they stop identifying so deeply with their own story and can see the most positive aspects of it.

In this way, the person can take a more empowered position in relation to their difficulties, in such a way that they are able to give a new approach to what happens to them and thus change their way of acting and their feelings..


Throughout the process of narrative therapy, the psychologist will use a series of techniques designed to help the patient to unearth his internalized history and to modify it little by little. Some of the most important are the following:

- Mirror technique. The therapist gives back to the patient what he has said so that he can reflect on it.

- Confrontation. When an irrational idea appears, the therapist will return it to the person so that they realize that it is not true.

- Active listening. The therapist will allow the patient to reflect aloud and talk about his problems, while guiding him and helping him not to deviate from the topic.

- Use of documents. To support what is seen in the sessions, the therapist will prepare a series of documents with the patient in which they will point out all the discoveries made about their history.


  1. "19 Narrative Therapy Techniques, Interventions + Worksheets [PDF]" in: Positive Psychology. Retrieved on: June 13, 2020 from Positive Psychology:
  2. "Do you know what narrative therapy consists of?" en: The Mind Is Wonderful. Retrieved on: June 13, 2020 from The Mind Is Wonderful:
  3. "Narrative Therapy: the form of psychotherapy based on stories about the patient's life" in: Psychology and Mind. Retrieved on: June 13, 2020 from Psychology and Mind:
  4. "Michael White Biography" in: Good Therapy. Retrieved on: June 13, 2020 from Good Therpy:
  5. "Narrative therapy" in: Wikipedia. Retrieved on: June 13, 2020 from Wikipedia:

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