Course Navette test how aerobic endurance is measured

Robert Johnston
Course Navette test how aerobic endurance is measured

Are you close to having the Course Navette Test And you have no idea what you're up against The first thing you should know is that this is one of the most popular tests in the world and that is why today we want to tell you what the Course Navette Test, what it is about and what are its most important characteristics so you know what to expect from this test.

What is the Course Navette Test?

The Course Navette Test is also known as Léger test and Pi test and it is a tool used to determine an individual's level of aerobic endurance.

This test was created by Luc Léger and consists of a test in which the subject moves from one point to another located 20 meters away, generating various changes in rhythm. The changes are driven by a sound that gradually accelerates and to which the test subject must adapt.

The final objective focuses on the moment in which the subject leaves the test, this final data will be the determining indicator to measure their respiratory resistance.

History of the Course Navette Test

This Test was born at the beginning of the 20th century within the framework of the creation of various outdoor tests, in order to study physical condition and performance, conducted by various scientists, including Dr. Pablo Rivera from the University of Montreal and Professor Clyde Williams from Loughborough University in England.

The primary objective of the Course Navette Test is to measure the aerobic capacity of the participants. It should be noted that aerobic capacity is called the ability of an organism to function efficiently in the middle of physical activities, no need for increased effort and fatigue.

This is why one of the most important indicators of this test is the type of oxygen consumption of people.

Physiological perspective 

Before explaining how the Course Navette Test, It is necessary to propose a physiological analysis so that you understand the reason for its birth.

Our body developed three fundamental mechanisms to transform food into energy, which is later used for the various functions of the body.

When we exercise, in the first moments, this energy is released by the energy phosphates stored in the muscles, after this process is carried out, a second mechanism is triggered in which the necessary muscle energy is produced through the anaerobic cleavage of glycogen for physical activity.

The final mechanism starts after the first 4 minutes of exercise and consists of the replacement of the anaerobic energy supply by an oxidation of fatty acids and glycogen.

For all of the above to happen, it is necessary for oxygen from the air to return to the muscle through pulmonary ventilation and circulation. In this process, the cardiac and respiratory systems are tuned..

Importance of aerobic capacity

Aerobic capacity is the centerpiece of any endurance exercise. Any uninterrupted activity that exceeds 5 minutes is considered physical resistance exercise. It is here where the Course Navette Test and other tests of the same nature seek to mediate in depth the capacity of the cardiorespiratory system..

Physical resistance is a determining element for any activity that involves our physical part, such as running, swimming, cycling or athletics, among other sports practices..

What is the Course Navette Test?

To perform the test, the person starts walking to raise the energy level and ends the test running, the distance is 20 meters. The subject must make the change of direction when a sound signal appears that indicates the rhythm.

It is important to note that very few people manage to complete the test, that is why the moment in which the subject decides to finish the test is the element that determines the person's endurance capacity.

The Test is configured for 21 periods of 1 minute in which the person must jog in order for the rhythm to rise and thus the test acquires a higher degree of demand.

The lines of each period are stipulated as follows:

Period Lines Cumulative Lines

0 0 0

0.5 4 4

1 3 7

1.5 4 11

2 4 15

2.5 4 19

3 4 23

3.5 4 27

4 4 31

4.5 5 36

5 4 40

5.5 5 45

6 4 49

6.5 6 55

7 4 59

7.5 6 65

8 4 69

8.5 6 75

9 4 79

9.5 6 85

10 5 90

10.5 6 96

11 5 101

11.5 7 108

12 5 113

12.5 7 120

13 5 125

13.5 7 132

14 6 138

14.5 7 145

15 6 151

15.5 7 158

What is needed to take the Course Navette Test?

If you are going to put the Course Navette Test into practice or if you are going to do it soon, this is what is needed for the Course Navette Test:

  • You can make a gym or open space with a track 20 meters long.
  • You need a megaphone or some audio equipment or amplifier.
  • Before performing the exercise, a track should be recorded with the indications and signals that will guide the test..
  • You also need to use a stopwatch to keep time accurately.
  • To carry out this test, it is advisable to warm up beforehand..
  • To do the test safely, it is vital that the evaluated person wears a type of sports shoes in which their feet are not affected..
  • When making direction changes, it is advisable not to turn with the same leg every time.
  • As for the person who is going to undergo the test, it is necessary that they are not overweight, that they have a healthy lifestyle and that they do not have any type of disease at the time of the evaluation.
  • This type of test can be performed on anyone in good health, however it is a highly recommended test for children, since resistance begins to develop from childhood.

These are roughly the main characteristics of the Course Navette Test. Finally, it is important that you know that this type of test is generally carried out in educational institutions, in gyms or as a test to access some jobs or projects in which they need participants with very good physical resistance.

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