Learning about functional texts will help you use language more effectively and include an implicit rhetorical function that allows you to achieve your communication objective more effectively.
These are some of the most used texts in different environments, and that is why today we want to tell you what functional texts are and their main characteristics.
The Functional texts are those that have a practical function and have as main objectives, explain, persuade or request something in a direct way. That is why they are part of the texts that have an appellative function.
We make a small parenthesis to explain the above, the appellative function also called conative, aims to attract the attention of the reader or interlocutor to generate a reaction.
Returning to the functional texts, we can say that they focus on giving clear indications, specifying the steps or characteristics requested to receive an effective response..
Taking into account that functional texts are designed to obtain something specific, they are usually used to make communications, application guides, journalistic texts, recreational texts, scientific texts, informative texts or historical texts, among others.
Now that you know what functional texts are, it's time to dig a little deeper into their characteristics so that you learn how to write them without going crazy in the process..
These are some of the most relevant characteristics:
Functional texts should have a title or heading that clearly reflects the intention of the text and what the reader will find at the time of reading..
It depends on the length of the text, including subtitles is very helpful. When we talk about the extension, we mean that in a statement we will hardly find subtitles. However, in the texts that warrant it, it is ideal to include subtitles, as these function as a navigation map within the text..
Taking into account that clearly explaining our intention is one of the objectives of functional texts, according to the nature of the text it is convenient to use numbering, bullets or other graphic resources to highlight relevant information in a simpler and more precise way..
The use of words is vital to reinforce your intention according to your specific audience. By this we mean that it's great to adapt vocabulary using the words your ideal reader understands. In the case of scientific texts, the use of specialized vocabulary is essential.
Taking into account that this type of text is not purely recreational, it is necessary that you make your intentions clear to your audience.
For functional texts as for most texts, there are three aspects that must be handled with total rigor and these are: adequacy, cohesion and coherence.
The adequacy has to do with the organization of a structure and with the choice of the type of language and intention.
The cohesion On the other hand, it has to do with the way in which we link some ideas with others so that the reading rhythm is not lost and that it also has a logical structure for the reader.
The coherence, for its part, it alludes to the ability to make what has been proposed fully coincide with the proposed topic.
To fully achieve this, you should study a little about: Discursive modes.
We hope that up to here everything is clear. From now on you will see some of the functional texts according to their specific characteristics.
This, for example, is a functional text in which we want you to fully understand the subject studied.
In this type of texts, information and data predominate and the importance of the subject that enunciates is diminished. In the same way, the data provided must come from sources with scientific rigor or that can be verifiable..
In journalistic texts, three main functions are combined: veracity (reliable data and facts), training and impartiality (Here the writer reveals his training through stylistic use and although in many of them he may include personal opinions, these must be mediated by impartiality).
It is also used entertainment where the ultimate goal is precisely the delight of the public.
The functionality of literary texts is evidenced in the objective of lasting over time, and in the ability to address not only a specific audience, but the whole world. They are considered functional texts because they have two norths: be memorable and aim for aesthetic delight.
The advertising texts are intended to sell a product or service, through creative texts that aim to seduce the public and to close the sales cycle..
Although these types of texts use stylistic texts, they must be clear, concise and not mislead the receiver with false information..
Within the functional texts, we find the historical texts. These have as their main goal the transmission of actions, events or characters from the past, in order to contribute to the memory of humanity.
This type of text, as its name indicates, has the clear intention of report particular data on a specific topic or situation. In this type of texts, the communications we talked about previously can be included..
One of the best known types of functional texts are entertainment texts that have the clear mission of delighting and amusing the public. Here the veracity of the information is not privileged, but the satisfaction of the reader.
As you can see, the world of functional texts is quite exciting if you are a lover of literature or if you are immersed in the world of communications. Anyway, it does not matter if you are the most dedicated on the subject, learning to communicate correctly will always be a plus..
If you want to continue learning about this type of topic, I invite you to read: Textual prototypes: Definition and examples
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