Types of bullying

Philip Kelley
Types of bullying

There are 8 types bullying:

  1. Bullying verbal.
  2. Bullying psychological.
  3. Bullying direct physicist.
  4. Bullying indirect physical.
  5. Bullying sexual.
  6. Bullying Social.
  7. Cyberbullying.
  8. Bullying at work (mobbing).

Is considered bullying any conduct threatens the physical, mental, emotional, sexual or social integrity of a person or group of people in a systematic way.

While the concept of bullying is generally related to bullying, the reality is that there may also be intimidating practices in work environments, in which case the appropriate term is mobbing.

The term bullying is an anglicized whose root is bull (bull, in English). From there derives the verb to bull (intimidate). For his part, mobbing is a term in more recent use that comes from the verb to mob (to bully).

Definition Negative and systematic behaviors that put the well-being of a person or group of people at risk.
  • Bullying verbal.
  • Bullying psychological.
  • Bullying direct physicist.
  • Bullying indirect physical.
  • Bullying sexual.
  • Bullying Social.
  • Cyberbullying or digital harassment.
  • Bullying labor (mobbing).
  • Screams.
  • Threats.
  • Teasing.
  • Jostling.
  • Hits.
  • sexual harassment.
  • Social discrimination.
  • Exposure of private information on networks.

Bullying verbal

This is perhaps the way to bullying more common and in many cases is so normalized that it often goes unnoticed. However, verbal harassment is considered to be offensive nicknames, derogatory qualifying terms, defamation, profanity or negative statements based on race, gender, physical or mental disabilities, etc..

An example of bullying verbal are nicknames that denote a difference or trait in a derogatory way, such as "black", "fat", "Chinese", "dwarf", etc..

Bullying psychological

They are intimidating behaviors that aim to influence the harassed person's self-perception, either by making them doubt their physical appearance, their intellectual abilities, etc..

An example of bullying psychological They are the teasing, threats, mistreatment and humiliation suffered by many outstanding students for their academic performance, who are made to feel different or "strange" with respect to the majority group.

Bullying direct physicist

As its name implies, it refers to harassment practices that include physical attacks against a person or group of people. This involves hitting, slapping, shoving, kicking, fighting, etc..

An example of bullying physical with the "welcomes," "hazing," and "rituals" given to students entering a new course, school, or group. On many occasions, the harassed are subjected to humiliation and physical abuse that they are supposed to resist if they want to be part of said group.

Bullying indirect physical

In this type of bullying, there is no contact between the aggressor and the victim. However, intimidating behaviors occur that involve the use of physical force or manual actions.

An example of bullying indirect physical is the theft or destruction of the victim's belongings.

Bullying sexual

Better known as sexual harassment, it is any practice that involves the execution of non-consensual sexual acts by one of the parties involved. And while statistically girls and young people are more likely to suffer this type of bullying, children and adolescents can also suffer it.

An example of sexual harassment is kissing, caressing, touching the intimate parts of another person without their consent, as well as forcing them to have sexual intercourse.

See also Difference between harassment, assault and sexual abuse.

Bullying Social

They are acts of intimidation or rejection against a student, generated by their social or family situation (they are adopted, have financial problems, are from another region or country, etc.)

In these cases, the practices imply the exclusion of the affected student, either ignoring their opinions, making them feel inferior or of little value with respect to the harassing group, promoting their isolation.

An example of bullying Social They are ridicule towards students in a situation of economic vulnerability, who do not usually have access to clothes, shoes or school supplies in the same quantity or quality as the rest of their classmates.

Cyberbullying (online harassment)

Online harassment are all practices that involve any type of threat or intimidation through the web. This includes the use of email, social media, web pages, instant messaging, online forums or groups, etc..

An example of cyberbullying is to publish photos, videos or compromising conversations of the victim without their authorization, to divulge false information about them, to threaten or insult through digital means, etc..

See also Advantages and disadvantages of the internet.

Bullying at work (mobbing)

The mobbing or harassment at work are all intimidating behaviors that are exercised against one or more people in the workplace. Generally, the objective of this type of bad practice is to make the harassed person leave the company.

An example of harassment at work is the assignment of tasks that are below the capabilities or responsibilities of the position held by the person, although it can also include verbal and physical threats, sexual harassment, etc..

See also:

  • Difference between harassment and bullying.
  • Types of violence.

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