Types of statistical graphs to represent data

Abraham McLaughlin
Types of statistical graphs to represent data

The various types of statistical graphs they will help you represent your research data in the most professional way possible. Remember that we are highly visual and when processing data, a visual aid always helps us better understand the relationship between them..

In any research process with scientific rigor, we must resort to data to support our hypotheses. These data must be arranged in such a way that they can be interpreted individually in relation to time, or together to find similarities, variations and other types of variables that allow reaching more precise analyzes..

The different types of graphs Statistics are the most effective tools, if not the only ones, to reach more truthful conclusions.

Types of graphs you can use in research

Before entering the matter, you should know that a graph is a visual tool for numerical data processing. It is used for the interpretation and analysis of data of various kinds, due to the multiple information that arises from the graphical arrangement of data that can dialogue with each other from a visual context.

Next we will present the types of graphs most used in research projects, so that you can choose those that fit more reliably to what you want to show.

Bar graphic

This type of graph is one of the most used due to the advantages it presents when presenting data and the ease of reading it. This presents the data in the form of bars located on two Cartesian axes.

Generally used to present discrete variable data, in order to analyze elements such as frequency. In the above example, the horizontal axis represents the number of students, and the vertical axis represents the number of classes. The idea is to evaluate the level of attendance at educational sessions.

Pie chart

The pie chart is also known as pie chart or pie chart. In this type of graph, the representation of the data is given through the division of a circle into different portions, which represent the number of variables investigated..

If you want to try one of these graphs, for practical purposes, we recommend using it in investigations where the number of data is not excessive, since in this way it cannot be interpreted effectively.

The pie chart is generally used to represent percentual values, that is, those data in which you want to represent the percentage of each value. This is why, each of the portions, according to their size, represents the frequency in relation to the total, expressed in the complete circle..

Line graph

Among the types of graphs, one of the most used to represent the relationship between dependent and independent variables, is the line graph. In the same way, it is usually used to analyze relationships between different investigations..

Through this tool, for example, contrasts between existing data in research from different times or institutions can be made, to look at the existing relationships and the veracity of the hypotheses presented from them..


Histograms are a type of graph, used mainly to indicate the frequency of determined values, the difference that it adds with respect to the bar graph, is that a transverse line can also analyze an entire interval.

This type of graph is also made on a Cartesian axis in which the main values ​​are represented by bars and the intervals from the line that crosses the graph. Through this tool, the frequency and dispersion of the data provided can be interpreted, being a great element to predict probabilities..

Scatter plot

This type of chart is also popularly known as an XY chart and works in such a way that different points are located on the Cartesian plane that represent all the data obtained in the investigation.

Generally, the axes represent the values ​​corresponding to a dependent and an independent variable, and the points correspond to the data obtained from the value observed in the observation phase..

Within the type of graphs, this is used mainly to establish relationships between variables through calculation, and even allows determining the type of relationship between them.

Area chart

The area chart is used to observe relationships between dependent and independent variables. The difference with the line graph is that the area graph allows you to observe the accumulation, because everything below the line is included.

The greatest advantage of this type of graph is that it allows you to see relationships between data taken from different investigations, allowing you to clearly see the differences or similarities between the various observed data. Here you can see for example relationships between companies, population groups or products, with a common factor.


Cartograms they are statistical graphs that use the map of the world, a continent, a country or a specific region to generate statistical data of the same. This type of statistical graphs are frequently used in health areas, especially to look at diseases or variable health factors in different areas..

In the same way, it is used in other types of research to make contrasts between different cultures or areas with respect to a specific variable..

It is also common to see that cartograms appear in the context of marketing and advertising to represent different types of data that can generate affinity according to the globalized frequency of certain products or services..

Broadly speaking, these are the types of statistical graphs most used in different research projects with scientific rigor. You can use them to exemplify the data obtained in your different observations, the best thing is that they can be easily adapted to different types of presentations for your exhibitions, making what you have to say attract more attention and relevance..

Which of the types of graph should you choose? That will depend on the nature of the data and what you want to evidence with them..

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