Everything you need to know to include Mindfulness techniques in your life

Philip Kelley
Everything you need to know to include Mindfulness techniques in your life

The Mindfulness it is a resource that is increasingly present in people's lives. A method and discipline based on the ability to get the call full attention that has many years of history and that is very often related to health and emotional education. 

Mindfulness is, without a doubt, one of the techniques of the moment, used since in nursery schools until en work environments passed, logically, also by the particular environment. This tool is applied today in many different fields and has a promising future that guarantees its use in new fields yet to be discovered.. 

Be that as it may, MindfulnessIt's a technique inherited from the ancient Buddhist tradition that comes to the West to offer an alternative that allows to lead a more conscious lifestyle, where stress is relieved and the union between the body and the mind is developed. 

For all this, today we want to review everything that surrounds Mindfulness, relying on the expert knowledge of Mindfulness Madrid Center to be able to define this resource, know its applications and give our readers some simple techniques so that they can start in this practice. 

What is mindfulness?

The Mindfulness, as we have already seen, it is basically defined as a way to get mindfulness in our day to day, through thebecome aware of the present time, the here and now. Through a series of techniques and practices, Mindfulness focuses on offering those who practice it a method to observe their own experiences, emotions and decisions without judging them or trying to change them..

This becomes a great ally to complement other therapies and improve certain problems of mental health or moods. Through self-knowledge, Mindfulness teaches us how our mind and body work every day and helps us create a link between them to find motivation and acceptance.. 

The origin of Mindfulness

The history of Mindfulness goes back to the buddhist tradition which has been practiced in many parts of Asia for thousands of years. It is a very versatile and complete concept, which, from this Buddhist perspective, can refer to both a method of meditation and a way of living life and perceiving the world and emotions.. 

In the West we have known Mindfulness relatively recently, approximately from late nineteenth century, when European and American aristocrats became interested in oriental knowledge and practices of self-knowledge.

Once Mindfulness reaches the countries of America and Europe, a new era begins, where these types of techniques are dedicated to alleviating ailments more typical of the West, such as stress or anxiety.. 

As practiced?

Today, ourconception of Mindfulness allows us to practice one of the many meditation techniques that exist to manage stress and emotions focused on the needs of each person. It can be practiced easily, does not require any materials and can be carried out in a short period of time practically anywhere. 

In order to practice mindfulness it is necessary to have a predisposition to delve into our feelings, emotions and decisions, focusing on the present moment and opening ourselves to accept all the experiences that we have lived. The most basic point for the practice of Mindfulness is, without a doubt, the ability to let ourselves be carried away by our sensations, without judging them or trying to change them, in the most natural way possible.. 

On the other hand, it is also very important to be clear that, once you have started practice mindfulness we will have everything at our disposal a world of experiences and decisions that we can assess, whether they are positive or negative.

In short, the practice of Mindfulness helps us become aware of our own life, choosing all kinds of actions and trying to learn from them as much as possible. 

Two simple techniques to get started in Mindfulness

In order to practice mindfulness We could say that nothing else is needed to have predisposition. It is true that, from here, we always recommend thatYou go to a certified center where they can guide and guide you, however, there are certain practices and techniques that we can simply apply in our day to day. 

Active listening

The active listening, In this case, it consists in spending a few minutes of our day listening to what types of sounds are around us. To practice this technique, it is enough that we sit on our sofa, in the office chair or in a park, to close our eyes and go listening and identifying each of the sounds that accompany us. 

Body scan

To practice the body scan, We must place ourselves in a comfortable position, lying down or sitting down, we close our eyes and begin to become aware of each part of our body. We start with a deep breath and we pay attention to each of the muscles and parts of our body, from head to toe.. 

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