What distinguishes and characterizes your personality, individualizing it and making it special and different from other people is the affective-emotional component. It is what elegantly dresses the intellect, expressing and defending its interests to achieve success. Hence the importance of feelings and emotions for good personal development in your life..
Affective functions constitute a fundamental aspect for the development of your personality since its balance or imbalance, as well as the adjustment or imbalance of its performance, are linked to the type of interaction, harmonic or balanced, and disharmonious or unbalanced, that have between cognitive and affective functions.
The cause of many of these affective disorders in the affective sphere is imprecise. They can be influenced by biological, psychological or social factors, but we can largely prevent their appearance..
This is a synthesis of the relationship between cognitive and affective processes which can be given as follows.
They are the people who have a tendency to make a preponderant use of intellectual capacity and they believe that everything can be solved using reason for this intelligence. They are personalities prone to being affectively cool and calculating, with a predominance of rational analysis in the face of life contingencies.
To avoid that this imbalance interferes in our life and can make us sick, the following points are recommended:
The characteristics for the cognitively predominant disequilibrium relationship may correspond to the paranoid or schizoid personalities.
"Because knowing too much can bring much discomfort, and the more knowledge, the greater anguish and suffering." Eccl. 1:18
They are the people who have a tendency to make a preponderant use of feelings and emotions, affections and moods, suppressing the intellectual capacity.
They are personalities emotionally unstable, touchy or irritable, inhibited or impulsive with other associated symptoms such as restlessness, indifference, dissatisfaction, and a sense of immediate danger.
As in the previous point, we also give several recommendations to prevent this mismatch from harming our lives:
The characteristics for the relationship of imbalance with a predominance of the affective can correspond to the personalities that function at the neurotic level and with affective syndromes.
"Foolishness can unleash anger and pride, but the prudent can calm it down." Pr. 29:11
"An effective personality is one that is neither so intelligent nor so affectionate"
They are the people who have a tendency to balance between these functions (cognitive and affective), between knowledge and its significance with the mode of expression of feelings, affects and emotions.
This balanced relationship between both psychic functions, without the predominance of one process over the other, is what must remain in individuals with a supposedly stable personality.
The quantitative nature of affective functions is given by the frequency of intensity changes in striking affective reactions in relation to the stimulus that determines it, whether said reaction is increased or decreased.
Symptoms such as Hyperthymia, Hypothymia and Atimia appear here.
Hyperthymia: It is the affect produced by a stimulus where the person manifests a excessive and inappropriate affective reaction before events that may or may not have a relationship with that person. It behaves like a state of mind of exaggerated joy, satisfaction and well-being.
Hypothymia: It is an affective response characterized by a sad, upset, dissatisfied, dejected and unhappy mood where the person often cannot specify the causes. It can affect people so strongly that it makes them unable to feel affection and satisfaction for someone. Here we must take into account the intensity and prolongation of these symptoms and their possible causes..
The Atimia: It is the absence of affective reactions. It is a considerable decrease in affective tone, manifesting an indifference towards stimuli. You can feel an intense sadness which could be the maximum expression of Hypothymia, but where the affective response is inhibited and the crying reaction does not appear.
On the other hand, the qualitative character of affective functions is given by changes in the quality of feelings, emotions, and moods. The problem is not caused by the increase or decrease of the affective response, but by an expression in the different mode of the affect that is manifested.
Here are some of these symptoms such as: Anxiety, indifference and affective ambivalence.
The anxiety: It is a feeling of unpleasant discomfort where in many cases its causes are not known, experiencing uncertainty, restlessness, and restlessness. It is usually accompanied by an unpleasant and impending foreboding. Disrupts physiological processes with somatic symptoms.
Affective indifference: It is the presence of the demotivation and apathy towards all stimuli that can generate an affective reaction. The superficial interest or the absence of this by the people or key circumstances of the environment are some of its characteristics. He impoverishes and decreases the stimulus progressively and the affective component is invalidated, having a critical and practically null idea of his worldview of the world.
This dullness and this almost absolute lack of emotional reactions to social stimuli are degrading interpersonal relationships.
Affective ambivalence: It is the experience attributed by the senses simultaneously of two opposing affective reactions towards the same object or event. It is like two opposite feelings towards the same object or subject. It is a contradictory affective reaction where the subject can even verbalize it with precision, but cannot explain the causes of this reaction.
Absolutely no one is exempt from being able to fall into a health problem like this. We have had people without personal and family pathological antecedents, who have come to our services for help, when presenting a permanence of these symptoms, which have had to be referred for taxing with important psychiatric pathologies.
To maintain the balance of cognitive and affective functions, it is essential to do a good use of self-control to avoid excess or deficit in the manifestation of these functions.
It is recommended the rest and nutrition, in addition to getting into the habit of doing relaxation exercises, mainly before tackling a problem, and making important decisions.
Manage anxiety well, putting self-motivation to work, and being an active part of what is happening around us will help you.
Be clear about what is important of the most important and set priorities by the rational meaning of your feelings, it will avoid conflicting internal conflicts.
Do not have a greater self-concept than you should have. Inadequate self-esteem due to overvaluation with sufficiency or not, can play a trick on you.
When the help of man is useless, remember that there is someone supernatural who is watching you even if you cannot see him..
There will be a power resting on your weakness when you have accepted his grace.
Try not to be part of the evil that is done under the sun, and do good by occupying all your senses.
Remember that you have extraordinary qualities because you are part of that divine force, do not let anything defeat you, do not waste it, and do not give up.
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