Border Treaties of Peru with other Countries

Philip Kelley
Border Treaties of Peru with other Countries

The border treaties of Peru with other countries are the agreements reached to establish border posts, exercise absolute sovereignty and thereby maintain harmony and healthy political relations.

The Republic of Peru is the third largest country in South America. It has 7,073 kilometers of territorial border with the countries of Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia and Chile.

Over the last centuries, the struggle between Peru and its border countries has been evidenced, given the difficulty to designate the territorial limits between one country and another.

However, the mediation of other countries, and the historical learning of the nations, have made possible the negotiation of border treaties that clearly determine the territorial surface of Peru..

Article index

  • 1 Border treaties of Peru with its border countries
    • 1.1 Border with Brazil
    • 1.2 Border with Ecuador
    • 1.3 Border with Colombia
    • 1.4 Border with Bolivia
    • 1.5 Border with Chile
  • 2 References

Border treaties of Peru with its border countries

Border with Brazil

The border between Peru and Brazil is made up of 2,822 kilometers, being the longest Peruvian border and the first to be determined through international treaties.

The treaties in question are the following:

  • The Fluvial Convention on Trade and Navigation and Partial Boundary Agreement between Peru and Brazil

Firm: Lima - Peru, on October 23, 1851.

objective: determine the border between the two countries north of the mouth of the Yavarí River.

  • Treaty of Limits, Trade and Navigation of the Amazon Basin, between Peru and Brazil.

Firm: Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, on September 8, 1909.

objective: complement the demarcation dictated by the 1851 Convention, and determine the free navigation of Peru along the Amazon.

Border with Ecuador

Currently the border line between Peru and Ecuador covers more than 1,529 kilometers. After multiple war conflicts between the two countries, the boundaries were agreed in the following treaty.

  • Protocol of Peace, Friendship and Boundaries.

Firm: Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, on January 29, 1942.

objective: settle territorial conflicts through the mediation of the United States, Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

Border with Colombia

The common area between Peru and Colombia has 1506 linear kilometers today. The territorial limits are given by the Treaty of Limits, below:

  • Treaty of Limits (Salomón-Lozano Treaty).

Firm: Lima - Peru, on March 24, 1922.

objective: mutual cession of territories to determine the border line between both countries.

Border with Bolivia

The border between Peru and Bolivia is 1,047 kilometers long. Its limits have been determined thanks to the signing and fulfillment of the following agreements:

  • Border Demarcation Treaty between Peru and Bolivia.

Firm: La Paz - Bolivia, on September 23, 1902.

  • Border Rectification Treaty between Peru and Bolivia.

Firm: La Paz - Bolivia, on September 17, 1909.

  • 1925 Protocol.

Firm: La Paz - Bolivia, on June 2, 1925.

  • Ratification Protocol.

Firm: La Paz - Bolivia, on January 15, 1932.

Border with Chile

The border in Peru and Chile is the smallest of all border lines, with only 169 km. However, the demarcation of this line has been the subject of multiple disputes between both countries.

The treaties that determine this border are:

  • Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Peru and Chile (Treaty of Ancón).

Firm: Lima - Peru, on October 20, 1883.

objective: unilateral cession of territories. Peru ceded the littoral province of Tarapacá to Chile.

  • Complementary Treaty and Protocol to resolve the question of Tacna and Arica.

Firm: Lima - Peru, on June 3, 1929.

objective: mutual cession of territories. Tacna returned to Peru and Arica became part of Chile.


  1. Cerna, J. (2011). Peru in the international context. National University of Santa. Nuevo Chimbote, Peru. Recovered from:
  2. File Bolivia - Peru (2013). European Commission. Recovered from:
  3. File Brazil - Peru (2013). European Commission. Recovered from:
  4. Medina, A. (2006). The maritime border between Chile and Peru, from the perspective of the 1929 Treaty of Lima. Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. Bío Bío, Chile. Recovered from:
  5. Protocol of Peace, Friendship and Boundaries between Peru and Ecuador (1942). Petropolis, Brazil. Recovered from:
  6. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (2017). Borders of Peru. Recovered from:

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