Your body expresses how you feel and think

Sherman Hoover
Your body expresses how you feel and think

When you get angry, your body prepares to take action. The upper part, especially the arms and throat, are loaded with force to scream or hit. This is how you are programmed.

But you can't always show your anger. When you decide not to do it, you have to repress all that energy so that it does not go out to the outside.

How do you do it?

With the body.

Most likely your jaw and throat stiffen. And the shoulders also load tension so that the arms are immobilized, hanging on the sides.

Thus, you will nullify your emotion. You will stop feeling annoyed and you will continue with your life as if nothing happened.

You learned this mechanism in childhood and, unless you are used to listen to your body, you will do it unconsciously.

When children are forced to deny a feeling many times, those tensions end up shaping your body.

This is called character structure..

Character structure is the way a person defends himself against conflictive situations that take him away from pleasure, love and security.

Due to the difficult moments that we all live in childhood, we are forced to adopt a character that is unconsciously imprinted on our body.

The character structure that we take, will affect the emotions and thoughts in our life.

In this article, I will explain the 5 characters defined by Alexander Lowen, father of bioenergetics.

In the end, I will tell you how you can find out which one is yours.

Oral character

The main characteristic of a person with a marked oral character is his weak sense of independence. Therefore, it tends to seek support and support from others.

For example, on a sentimental level, you demand great attention from your partner.

Sometimes you have a great need to feel free. However, that feeling evaporates as soon as an obstacle appears in the way..

The oral individual defended himself in this way because he lacked an attentive and loving mother in his first months of life. Or maybe you were there, but couldn't provide the love and attention you need..

How is the body

Has very little energy. Therefore, it is common for this man or woman to tire easily.

In addition, this trait is complemented by a body skinny and underdeveloped muscles.

As a significant part of childhood was missing, there may be certain signs of immaturity; for example, little presence of hair.

The individual with an oral character tends to have a sad look and a sunken chest to avoid feeling that sadness.

How are emotions and thoughts

He is a person with tendency to feel depressed because he runs away from his feelings.

It costs him a lot to be alone and, also, fear rejection.

You often think that you "can't", "nobody supports you", "everyone leaves you behind" or "you are alone."

However, he fantasizes about being energetic, full of energy, or being the center of attention and admiration..

Schizoid character

The main characteristic of the schizoid character is that of the division between mind and body. Namely, your thoughts and emotions go in opposite directions.

Therefore, in your personality there may be contradictory attitudes.

Received a rejection with some hostility from the mother in the first months of life or even in the womb.

In this way, this character could develop in the event that the mother doubts between aborting or having the child.

Since the child could not accept this harsh rejection, he decided create a fantasy world in your head and get away from reality.

In adulthood, he still prefers his imagination to what happens in the moment.

Due to that same need to escape from reality, you can fall into addictions, sexual promiscuity, sects, etc..

How is the body

The energy is directed inward. It is like a volcano about to explode, but it is always self-conscious.

By this energetic repression, a narrow body and contracted with great tensions.

The main pressures are on the head, shoulders and pelvis. In fact, the face is like a mask because he doesn't show his feelings. Arms hang limp.

At a general level, an incoherent, disorganized and unbalanced body can be observed.

How are emotions and thoughts

The person with a schizoid character has a tendency to withdraw into himself and avoid intimate relationships.

Inside, he has a lot of terror and aggressiveness, but he never shows them.

In his social relationships, he pretends to be optimistic, cooperative, friendly, and accommodating. However, at the slightest disagreement or unpleasant situation, he coldly withdraws.

Maintains a lot of sensitivity and vulnerability with a constant mental activity to interpret what is happening to you.

He thinks that "he is not welcome", "he is from another world", "he cannot show his strength" or he considers himself "a special being."

Masochistic character

The main characteristic of this character is that of someone who suffers and suffers a lot, but remains submissive before the causes of their ailments.

The person who developed this character grew up in a loving and caring family, but in which love was conditioned by their actions.

For example, the mother would say things like "be nice and eat everything on the plate" or "go to the bathroom and mom will love you."

These conditions provoked great hostility that he kept within himself. Nevertheless, that negativity comes out in the form of laments and complaints.

How is the body

The body is characterized by being short, strong and muscular. There may be a tendency to be overweight.

The neck is short and thick, like the waist; the pelvis bulges prominently and the buttocks are turned inward, as if it were a dog with its tail between its legs.

Is a person with lots of energy, but it often contains it.

How are emotions and thoughts

On a conscious level seeks to please others. However, he has great hostility, resentment and negativity inside..

As a child, he was good and obedient. As an adult, he has a great sense of responsibility.

It is prone to anxiety

Your habitual thoughts may be "I'm bad," "I'm useless," or "It's not okay to have fun."

You tend to feel guilty, even though it is quite likely that you hold others responsible for your "misfortunes."

Rigid character

It is the one that is best adapted to society, since its characteristics are well valued in the world we live in..

It is very pragmatic and realistic. Therefore, you probably have no feelings related to spirituality..

He grew up in a family that prohibited child sexual enjoyment. Thus, he had to contain bodily enjoyment and always put duty before pleasure.

How is the body

The rigid body is proportionate and harmonious according to beauty trends in our culture. Posture stands tall and proud.

The eyes are bright, lively; the skin has a good color.

Is an individual with energy and lively gestures. Although if you have too much, it can end up generating anxiety.

The jaws are firm and tight, to contain the expression of pleasure. Stiff knees, strong chest and belly is tight, so as not to feel the enjoyment.

How are emotions and thoughts

He is a person with a lot of fear to give in, because he experiences it as a humiliation. Is inflexible and does not tolerate being taken advantage of.

It is aggressive, stubborn and competitive. It does not tolerate passivity neither in them nor in others. In fact, he has very good drive and determination..

Fears failure, so develops a great sense of responsibility.

Psychopathic character

The main characteristic of an individual with this character is control. You need to master all situations and people around you. Seeks to feel powerful.

He grew up in an environment in which the father or mother seduced him to satisfy their own desires, without taking into account what the child really needed.

For this reason, did not feel support or physical contact.

How is the body

The body of someone psychopathic is disproportionate between the upper and lower half. That is, there may be a very large chest with very weak legs..

Or the reverse: a large pelvis and legs with a small thorax (it is the typical pear-shaped body).

The skull is overloaded with energy, because it turns its head a lot. And owns a high tension in the diaphragm area. The pelvis and legs are stiff, with little vitality.

The eyes watch with suspicion; has a penetrating, dominant and seductive gaze.

How are emotions and thoughts

The psychopathic character denies your feelings and needs. His main concern is getting the mind to rule the body and feelings.

Fear being controlled and dominated.

His way of defending himself is by imposing himself on others, with violence or seductive tricks. However, as he lacked affection, he is dependent on these people whom he directs.

When you feel like you are defeated, stands in victim position. Although deep down, he fears being a mean and cruel person.

How to find out what your character is

The first thing you have to keep in mind is that each of them shows the negative in people, what we try to hide from the eyes of others.

If you have not recognized yourself in the characteristics that I have described, it is best to observe your body. Stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself.

How are your legs, strong or weak? Is your chest sunken or out? Are you thin or thick? Do you have developed muscles? How is your look? Do your arms have energy or do they hang at the sides?

And above all, ask yourself how is your energy level or what are the negative thoughts about yourself that you usually have.

Write it down. Then reread the characteristics of each of the characters and consider which one you are most like.

Before saying goodbye, I want to clarify two aspects.

First of all, it is interesting to note that the character you have is not negative in itself. At the time, it allowed you to survive those situations that caused you pain.

The important is recognize it to find other possible options and not always fall into the same obstacles.

Second, it is also important to note that you are not a label..

Over time, I have learned that we all have a bit of each character; even though there will be one or two more present in our actions.

Now it's your turn. Do you have any doubt left? Have you recognized yourself in any of these characters? Let's follow the conversation in the comments.

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