Your body odor reveals your personality

Sherman Hoover
Your body odor reveals your personality

A study carried out at the University of Wroclaw (Poland) has shown that people can guess the personality of others through body odor.

The experiment

For the study, 60 volunteers both men and women. They were asked to wear a White T-shirt to sleep for 3 nights in a row. During that time they should avoid using deodorants, perfumes and any other substance that could camouflage their natural body odor. After the three nights they returned the shirts that were individually sealed in plastic bags. In addition, each of them had to carry out a personality test.

Later another group other than 200 volunteers carried out the final phase of the experiment. This phase consisted of smelling the contents of each bag and try to guess if the person who had worn that shirt had an anxious, domineering, or outgoing personality. Each volunteer had to smell a maximum of 6 shirts to avoid getting used to smells.

The results

The hit ratio was statistically significant, that is, the volunteers were able to guess the personality of the person who had worn the shirt in a higher proportion than that which would be given by mere chance. Furthermore, this proportion was similar to that which occurred in a similar experiment that tried to guess personality by viewing videos of people and audiotapes of their voices.

Namely, sight, hearing and smell they also helped to guess the personality of the volunteers.

It is also curious that the highest number of correct answers occurred when guessing dominant personalities by members of the opposite sex. That is, a woman was more likely to get the personality right when the shirt belonged to a dominant man and vice versa.

From this study we can learn that smell is as valid a sense as sight or hearing to obtain data from the person in front of us. However, the multitude of cosmetic products that we use today, from deodorants, soaps, perfumes, etc., make let's forget smells and pay more attention to body movements and voices.

Source: Medical Express

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