Mindfulness Tutorial - Open Attention Exercise

Anthony Golden
Mindfulness Tutorial - Open Attention Exercise

There are many ways to train skills Full attention (Mindfulness) and, depending on the approach, two modalities can be used:

TO) Keep your mind focused on a single point of attention and that he tries not to deviate from there, returning as soon as we realize that this deviation has occurred

B) Keep an open and flexible mind, being attentive and alert to see where you are going.

In this tutorial we will try to explain this second modality.

Mindfulness Tutorial: Open Attention Exercise

The intention of the practice of "Open Attention" (Wide Open Mindfulness) is to keep the mind in a position of "observer" of care processes.

It is about training ourselves in a competition that in psychology is called Metacognition, or metaposition: that is, the position of the mind that is capable of observing itself from a neutral point.

To cultivate this capacity it is important to conceive that mind (consciousness) and attention (Focus of Consciousness) are separated so that one observes the other.

In this way we train an essential competence of Mindfulness meditation that of “Disidentify” from what we are thinking or feeling, making it easier for us to understand that our thoughts and emotions are one thing, and we are another as an attentive and impartial observer.

To the extent that we manage to understand that we are not what we are thinking or feeling, it will be easier for us to assume a necessary distance from what happens to us not to get emotionally caught up in it.

With this training we managed to reduce the tendency of "monkey mind", or "mind on automatic pilot", that is to say that state in which it enters a loop in which thoughts and emotions feed back in an anarchic way until they "own us".

The mantra that can help us in this endeavor has to do with repeating to ourselves often that "We are not the observed, but the observer".

The following video can help you in the practice of open attention.

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