Speed ​​of sound description and formulas, calculation, factors

Philip Kelley

The Speed ​​of sound It is equivalent to the speed with which longitudinal waves propagate in a given medium, producing successive compressions and expansions, which the brain interprets as sound.

Thus, the sound wave travels a certain distance per unit of time, which depends on the medium through which it travels. Indeed, sound waves require a material medium for the compressions and expansions that we mentioned at the beginning to take place. That is why sound does not propagate in a vacuum.

Figure 1. Supersonic plane breaking the sound barrier. source: pixbay

But since we live submerged in an ocean of air, sound waves have a medium in which to move and that allows hearing. The speed of sound in air and at 20 ° C is approximately 343 m / s (1087 ft / s), or about 1242 km / h if you prefer.

To find the speed of sound in a medium, you have to know a little about the properties of this.

Since the material medium is alternately modified so that the sound can propagate, it is good to know how easy or difficult it is to deform it. The modulus of compressibility B offers us that information.

On the other hand, the density of the medium, denoted as ρ it will also be relevant. Any medium has an inertia that translates into resistance to the passage of sound waves, in which case their speed will be lower.

Article index

  • 1 How to calculate the speed of sound?
  • 2 Factors on which the speed of sound depends
    • 2.1 Sound and temperature
    • 2.2 The Mach number
  • 3 Speed ​​of sound in different media (air, steel, water ...)
    • 3.1 Solids at room temperature
  • 4 References

How to calculate the speed of sound?

The speed of sound in a medium depends on its elastic properties and the inertia it presents. Be v the speed of sound, in general it is true that:

Hooke's law states that the deformation in the medium is proportional to the stress applied to it. The constant of proportionality is precisely the compressibility modulus or volumetric modulus of the material, which is defined as:

B = - Stress / Strain

Strain is the change in volume  DV divided by original volume Vor. As it is the quotient between volumes, it lacks dimensions. The minus sign before B it means that before the effort expended, which is an increase in pressure, the final volume is less than the initial one. With all this we obtain:

B = -ΔP / (ΔV / Vor)

In a gas, the volumetric modulus is proportional to the pressure P, being the constant of proportionality γ, called the adiabatic gas constant. In this way:

B = γP

The units of B are the same as pressure. Finally the speed is as:

Assuming that the medium is an ideal gas, we can substitute the pressure P in the given expression for velocity. For ideal gases it is true that:

Figure 2. This is how sound moves in a medium. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Christophe Dang Ngoc Chan (cdang) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)]

Now let's see what happens if the medium is an extended solid. In this case, another property of the medium must be taken into account, which is its response to shear or shear stress:

Factors on which the speed of sound depends

As we have seen, the speed of sound in a medium can be determined by knowing the properties of that medium. Highly elastic materials allow sound to spread more easily, while denser ones resist.

Temperature is another important factor. From the equation for the speed of sound in an ideal gas, it can be seen that the higher the temperature T, higher speed. As always, the higher the molecular mass M, slower speed.

For this reason, the speed of sound is not strictly a constant, since atmospheric conditions can introduce variations in its value. It is to be expected that at higher altitudes above sea level, where the temperature becomes lower and lower, the speed of sound will decrease..

It is estimated that in air, the speed of sound increases by 0.6 m / s for every 1 ° C that the temperature rises. In water, it increases 2.5 m / s for every 1 ° C of elevation.

Apart from the factors already mentioned -elasticity, density and temperature-, there are others that intervene in the propagation of sound waves depending on the medium, such as:

-Air humidity

-Water salinity


Sound and temperature

From what has been said above, it follows that temperature is really a determining factor in the speed of sound in a medium..

As the substance heats up, its molecules become faster and are able to collide more frequently. And the more they collide, the greater the speed of sound inside..

Sounds that travel through the atmosphere are usually very interesting, since we are immersed in it and spend most of the time. In this case the relationship between the speed of sound and temperature is as follows:

331 m / s is the speed of sound in air at 0ºC. At 20ºC, which is equivalent to 293 kelvin, the speed of sound is 343 m / s, as mentioned at the beginning.

Mach number

The Mach number is a dimensionless quantity that is given by the quotient between the speed of an object, usually an airplane, and the speed of sound. It is very convenient to know how fast an aircraft is moving with respect to sound.

Be M Mach number, V the speed of the object -the aircraft-, and vs the speed of sound, we have:

M = V / vs

For example, if an aircraft is moving at Mach 1, its speed is the same as that of sound, if it is moving at Mach 2 it is twice as fast, and so on. Some experimental military drones have even reached Mach 20.

Sound speed in different media (air, steel, water ...)

Sound almost always travels faster in solids than in liquids, and in turn it is faster in liquids than in gases, although there are some exceptions. The determining factor is the elasticity of the medium, which is greater as the cohesion between the atoms or molecules that make it up increases..

For example, sound travels faster in water than in air. This is immediately apparent when your head is submerged in the sea. Sounds from distant boat engines are easier to hear than when out of the water.

Below is the speed of sound for different media, expressed in m / s:

  • Air (0 ºC): 331
  • Air (100 ºC): 386
  • Fresh water (25 ºC): 1493
  • Sea water (25 ºC): 1533

Solid at room temperature

  • Steel (Carbon 1018): 5920
  • Sweet Iron: 5950
  • Copper: 4660
  • Copper coiled: 5010
  • Silver: 3600
  • Glass: 5930
  • Polystyrene: 2350
  • Teflon: 1400
  • Porcelain: 5840


  1. Elcometer. Speed ​​table for predefined materials. Recovered from: elcometer.com.
  2. POT. Speed ​​of sound. Recovered from: nasa.gov
  3. Tippens, P. 2011. Physics: Concepts and Applications. 7th Edition. Mcgraw hill
  4. Serway, R., Vulle, C. 2011. Fundamentals of Physics. 9na Ed. Cengage Learning.
  5. Sevilla University. Mach number. Recovered from: laplace.us.es

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