Truths and lies about sex

Abraham McLaughlin
Truths and lies about sex


  • For a sexual relationship to be good, both people have to reach orgasm.
  • The sexual relationship is only full when a man and a woman reach orgasm at the same time.
  • Simultaneous orgasms are more pleasant than orgasms experienced separately.
  • The woman does not need to discharge her sexual needs like the man.
  • If the woman does not enjoy sexual intercourse, it is the man's fault.
  • A few extra cups stimulate desire and encourage people to get closer and perform better sexually.
  • There are two different types of orgasms in women: one vaginal and the other clitoral..
  • A woman's sex life ends with menopause.
  • Sexual desire and potency decrease considerably after 40 or 50 years.
  • Masturbation is an almost exclusive practice for men.
  • Masturbation in men or women is a sign that something is wrong with their sexuality.
  • Masturbation decreases sexual potency.
  • Very frequent masturbation leads to homosexuality. The absence of the hymen proves that a woman is not a virgin.
  • The woman reaches orgasm when she feels the penetration of the penis.
  • Sterilization reduces a woman's sex drive.
  • The elderly man lacks advantages in relation to the young, in relation to sexual satisfaction.
  • Impotence means loss of virility.
  • Impotence is natural and irreversible in the elderly man.
  • The man is always willing to have sex.
  • If the man is not excited in a sexual situation, it means that he has functioning problems.
  • A man who enjoys the stimulation of his anal area is homosexual or has a tendency to be.
  • Orgasm and ejaculation in men are the same phenomenon.
  • A man with a small penis cannot provide the same pleasure to a woman as one with a large penis.
  • In homosexual relationships, one plays the role of a man and the other of a woman.
  • Homosexuals are obsessed with sex more than heterosexuals.
  • Homosexuality is due to a disturbance in childhood.


  • Orgasm is characterized by increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, deeper and faster breathing, congestion of special tissues with blood (the corpora cavernosa in men and the clitoris and perivaginal area in women). and finally, the explosive release of accumulated nervous tension. This release is immediately followed by a rapid return or involution of the body to the normal state. The subjective sensation of orgasm is predominantly centered in the pelvic region, the penis, the prostate and the seminal vesicles in men and the clitoris, the vagina and the uterus in women. Orgasm is a short-lived experience, lasting no more than ten or twelve seconds, with an intensity that is difficult to explain.
  • Alcohol has a clear de-inhibiting effect, as it acts on the cerebral cortex, de-inhibiting the person and their sexual desire. However, alcohol has these effects only if it is ingested in small amounts and for a short time. When it exceeds certain dose limits, the effect is totally opposite and disturbing of sexual desire, since it prevents a good erection, producing ejaculatory disorders. In women it also disturbs the orgasmic capacity. In addition, the repeated consumption of alcohol entails many other dangers such as damage to the higher centers of the brain and liver among others. Many alcoholic women and men began by consuming alcohol to stimulate themselves, disinhibit themselves and dare first social contact and then sexual contact..
  • Sexual desire does not have to decrease with age. The man, even in advanced ages, is capable of having good erections and being in perfect condition to have penetrative sex, although the number of erections is not as abundant as in previous ages, it is not significant of "lack of quality".
  • More and more women are not ashamed and enjoy their own body with masturbation. Both men and women practice it throughout their lives, without this meaning in any way that their sexual lives are precarious or that it diminishes their sexual potential. On the contrary, many couples can find new ways of pleasure first individually and then put them into practice together..
  • Popularly there have been myths and taboos in all times and places about menstruation, which have caused shame and even repulsion with such a natural fact. For many religions, sexual relations are forbidden during the period of menstruation, reaching extreme degrees to force women into isolation, to preserve her husband from their evil influences. There are women who refuse to make love in those days out of disgust or shame, and men who also believed the myth and support their women in that monthly act of hygiene and good manners. Menstruation should be experienced naturally and safely, there is no reason not to have sex during this period.
  • One of the most common complaints of women seeking help from sex therapists is the inability to achieve orgasm during intercourse, despite a full response to other forms of sexual stimulation. That women do not have the same facility to have orgasms as men, has nothing to do with the way to obtain them. Psychological blockage and rudeness seem to be the answer to that difficulty. The quality of an orgasm, that is, the intensity, duration and overall pleasure, can vary from one intercourse to the next. The originality and frequency of the occurrence can influence the quality of the next sexual experience, as can factors such as anxiety, guilt, anger or depression. Indifference to the partner and the context where the love relationship takes place play an important role.
  • Female orgasms can be obtained by stroking the clitoris or the area near it. The clitoris is the barely visible and palpable part of a very complex and extensive organ, which sinks its roots riding on the entrance of the vaginal canal, behind the labia majora and minora of the vulva.
  • In the female orgasm the clitoris always intervenes. Even in those women who say that they only achieve orgasm with penetration, they would be surprised if they knew that they obtained it because the penis brushes the entrance of the vagina and makes small blows with the pubic bone and the testicular bags, the vulva area. This means that the clitoris is excited in many ways, because the corpora cavernosa are found in it (as in the penis) that fill with blood with excitement and friction. Everything that the vagina "feels" is felt by the clitoris, which surrounds the entrance to the vaginal canal, "lends it".
  • The absence of a hymen in a woman does not necessarily mean that she is not a virgin. The hymen is a fold of mucosa, skin, and fibrous tissue located in the vaginal canal. It may be absent, small, thin and flexible or, rarely, hard and dense, completely occluding the vaginal orifice, in which case it would have to be operated on since not even menstruation can penetrate it. It therefore has many forms, and except in rare anomalies, it is penetrable by vaginal fluid, even by something larger such as the penis, not breaking until the woman gives birth..
  • It is not true that men need to discharge their sexual energy more than women, it is not strange that a man sometimes says no. This myth often causes the man to have sex, even unwillingly, thus causing frustrated encounters. Men may also have a lack of sexual desire.
  • The anal zone is an erogenous zone, which does not make a difference between men and women. This area may be a man's favorite and this does not indicate homosexuality at all. Many men repress or ignore the pleasure felt in this area because they do not consider it "rare" in their preferences.
  • Ejaculation and orgasm generally occur together, but this is not always the case. In some neurological patients such as paraplegics, if the spinal cord injury is high and has not damaged the nerve area directly responsible for the emission, the person may ejaculate but without orgasm.
  • Both erection and ejaculation can occur without any physical stimulation. An example of this is nocturnal ejaculations (pollutions) and, of course, the appearance of morning or night erections.
  • A man does not have to have a full erection to have an orgasm. This error that is translated from the myth that orgasm and ejaculation in men are the same thing. As in general orgasm and ejaculation coincide in time, it is often thought that they are the same phenomenon. There can be orgasms without ejaculation, as well as ejaculation without orgasm.
  • Female orgasmic satisfaction is not affected by penis size. Believing that one man is more powerful than another because of having extra inches in his penis has no scientific basis. Penis size has nothing to do with the sexual satisfaction of the partner. Curiously, and oddly enough, many women share these misconceptions with men. A man with a large penis is considered to be more sexually powerful than a man with a small one. Men tend to worry too much about the size of their penis, due to the fact that they have been culturally conditioned in this way, associating size with "masculinity", "strength" or "courage" and being the penis many times compared to others..
  • It is not true that homosexuals are more obsessed with sex than other people. This depends on the way of being of each one, there are heterosexual people very obsessed by this issue, what happens is that popularly it is more "well regarded" and even "allowed" to become evident among heterosexuals than among homosexuals..

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