Vibrio vulnificus It is a bacillus-shaped bacterium that belongs to the Proteobacteria phylum, specifically to the Vibrionaceae family. It is a bacterium that has been known for a short time, as it was described for the first time in 1976 by John Reichelt.
However, it wasn't until three years later that she was assigned to the genre. Vibrio and identified as a potential pathogen for humans, like other bacteria of the same genus.
Pathogenicity in humans is represented by wound infections, sepsis and, to a lesser extent, gastrointestinal infections. If these infections are not treated in time, the infection progresses and in a high percentage of patients, it is fatal.
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Vibrio vulnificus it is a bacterium, and as such, it is made up of a single prokaryotic cell. This means that it does not have a cell nucleus, so its genetic material is dispersed in the cytoplasm. Your DNA is found by forming a single chromosome that is circular in shape.
This is a bacteria considered gram negative. This implies that when they are subjected to the Gram staining procedure, they adopt a pink or fuchsia coloration, due to the fact that they present a very thin layer of peptidoglycan in their cell wall. Thanks to the thinness of this layer, it is not able to retain particles of Gram's dye, hence its pink color..
Regarding the use of oxygen as an essential element in your metabolism, Vibrio vulnificus It is a facultative anaerobic bacterium, that is, it can develop both in the absence and in the presence of oxygen. However, you do not use it for your metabolic processes, as it has a fermentative metabolism..
From a biochemical point of view, Vibrio vulnificus it is a catalase positive bacterium because it has the ability to synthesize the enzyme catalase. This allows them to break down hydrogen peroxide into its constituent elements: water and oxygen..
It also has the ability to reduce nitrates to nitrites with the help of the enzyme nitrate reductase, which synthesizes.
In addition to this, it is oxidase positive, which means that it synthesizes the enzyme cytochrome c oxidase..
It is a bacterium that to develop requires a temperature range that goes from 16 ° C to 42 ° C, with the optimum temperature being 37 ° C. Regarding the levels of acidity or alkalinity, Vibrio vulnificus It can grow at a pH of between 6.8 and 10.2, its optimum pH being 7.0 to 8.0. From this it follows that you need a neutral to alkaline environment.
The taxonomic classification of Vibrio vulnificus is the next:
-Domain: Bacteria
-Phylum: Proteobacteria
-Class: Gammaproteobacteria
-Order: Vibrionales
-Family: Vibrionaceae
-Gender: Vibrio
-Species: Vibrio vulnificus.
Vibrio vulnificus It is a bacterium that belongs to the group of bacilli, so it is rod-shaped. These bacilli can be straight or curved. They present a single flagellum, which is located at one of the ends of the bacterial cell..
As regards its size, it can measure between 0.2 - 0.4 microns in width by 1.5 - 2.4 microns in length.
Vibrio vulnificus is a bacterium that is mainly found in aquatic habitats, specifically those in which salt water predominates. This is because thanks to its internal and metabolic characteristics, it is able to adapt and survive in environments with a high level of salinity..
Despite this, Vibrio vulnificus it is a bacterium that is not very resistant to low temperatures, that is, to cold. In this sense, it is possible to find it in those marine habitats with warm temperatures, although not very hot..
In these habitats, it is common for this bacteria to develop on the surface of certain algae. It is from these that it can pass to certain animals such as mollusks, through the feeding process.
Vibrio vulnificus it is a highly pathogenic bacterium for humans. This means that when it comes into contact with the bloodstream and even with the skin (if it is injured), it is capable of generating a disease that, in many cases, can be fatal.
This bacterium can generate several totally different pathologies: enteritis (in a low percentage), wound infections and primary sepsis.
Enteritis is an infection that mainly affects the structures of the digestive system, specifically the stomach and intestines. It is mainly due to the ingestion of food contaminated with the bacteria, which reaches the intestine and colonizes the intestinal cells.
There they cause serious damage to these cells, greatly disrupting their functioning. It is important to note that enteritis is the least frequent presentation of infections due to Vibrio vulnificus.
On the other hand, wound infection can occur through two mechanisms. It may be that a person who already had an open wound bathed in the sea, in water contaminated by the bacteria, or that a perfectly healthy person made a cut or wound when bathing in seawater contaminated with the microorganism.
Finally, sepsis is considered an infection that is also known as Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. It consists of a disproportionate reaction of the body to the presence of a pathogen, such as Vibrio vulnificus.
In general, the symptoms that accompany sepsis are not the product of the bacteria as such, but rather the body begins to release a series of chemicals that generate a response..
Vibrio vulnificus It is a bacterium that, as mentioned, is found in bodies of salty water at warm temperatures. Taking this into account, there are several ways through which it can reach the human being.
The most common form of transmission is through ingestion of marine animals such as mollusks or undercooked fish. These animals may have acquired the bacteria by feeding on contaminated algae or by passing contaminated water through the gills. When a person eats an animal contaminated by Vibrio vulnificus, it passes into your digestive tract and can later pass into your blood.
Another way of transmission of this bacterium is the contamination of an open wound. This can occur from bathing on a beach where the bacteria are present. A wound is a gateway to the body that bacteria can very well take advantage of to enter the bloodstream and begin to cause damage..
The symptoms that a person presents when they are infected with Vibrio vulnificus depend on the organs that are affected.
When the organs affected by the bacteria are those of the digestive tract (stomach, intestine), the symptoms that may occur are the following:
-Severe abdominal pain
-Frequent watery stools
-Nausea and vomiting
-General discomfort.
When a wound comes into contact with Vibrio vulnificus, the skin cells surrounding the wound are affected by the bacteria and begin to undergo certain changes that result in the following signs and symptoms:
-Increased erythema (redness)
-Increased edema (swelling) in the area around the wound
-Intense pain
-Significant increase in body temperature
-Blisters on the skin surface near the wound.
In cases where the infection is not treated in time or when there is a poor response to treatment, it may intensify and cause other pathologies such as cellulitis and, in the most serious cases, necrotizing fasciitis..
Among the symptoms of cellulite we can mention:
-Very high fever
-Almost excruciating pain and irritability in the affected area
-Inflammation, edema and redness that are not only confined to the wound area, but also progress, spreading to healthy tissues
Very painful fluid-filled blisters
-Sensation of heat in the affected area.
When infection by Vibrio vulnificus progresses further and necrotizing fasciitis develops, the most representative symptoms and signs are the following:
-High fever
-Significant changes in skin color
-Blisters and ulcers around the wound
-Black spots on the skin
-Secretions in the affected area, mainly pus
-General discomfort
It is important to note that necrotizing fasciitis is a very serious and serious infection that, in general, progresses very quickly through the tissues. Sometimes, doctors find it necessary to amputate a limb (finger, arm, leg), to prevent the progression of the infection. In other cases, the response to treatment is poor and the patient, unfortunately, dies.
In the case of infections by Vibrio vulnificus, sepsis is usually localized in the bloodstream. However, the symptoms that manifest are general. These include:
-Variations in body temperature. There may be hyperthermia (fever) or hypothermia.
-Nervous involvement. There may be manifestations such as delirium or confusion.
-Heartbeat abnormalities, mainly tachycardia.
-Cutaneous manifestations such as changes in skin color and texture.
The most practical and common way to diagnose bacterial infections is through a culture of the affected tissues to identify the bacteria in question..
If infection by Vibrio vulnificus has manifestations coinciding with enteritis, the culture is made from a stool sample. This procedure is generally done in a culture medium that contains bile salts, sucrose, citrate, and thiosulfate, in addition to agar..
On the other hand, when the presence of Vibrio vulnificus in a wound or in the blood, a culture is also performed to identify the microorganism.
The culture is the definitive procedure for the diagnosis, since the doctor, only seeing the symptoms can not give an accurate diagnosis, since these are similar to those that occur in other pathologies.
Because Vibrio vulnificus is a bacterium, the most used treatment when an infection is diagnosed by this, is the supply of antibiotics. This can be through the oral or intravenous route..
The most commonly used antibiotics are doxycillin and ceftazidine. The so-called fluoroquinolones are also used, such as levofloxacin and gatifloxacin..
Likewise, when the bacteria affect a wound, procedures other than drug therapy are also recommended. Among these procedures, the most used is the debridement of the affected tissue. This consists of removing all the necrotic and damaged tissue. It is done with the aim of protecting the underlying tissues that still remain intact.
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