Jackfruit What is it for, Properties, Side Effects

Simon Doyle

The jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), also known as the jackfruit, jack, jak, jacktree, fenne, or jackfruit tree, is a species of tree in the Moraceae family, native to southwestern India and probably to the east of the Malaysian peninsula. It is currently cultivated in the Antilles and America.

The fruit, regardless of its degree of maturity, is commonly used in South and Southeast Asian cuisine. It is a fruit with a very exotic appearance, both due to the texture and the color of the rind. When the fruit is still unopened, it emits aromas of pineapple, banana, mango, orange, melon and papaya.

Jackfruit seeds also have culinary use, they are rich in carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. They contain many minerals, lignans, isoflavones, saponins and phytonutrients.

When the seeds are roasted they are used as an alternative to the aroma of chocolate. The wood of the tree is used to create musical instruments and also to make furniture.

Article index

  • 1 What is it for?
  • 2 Nutritional properties
  • 3 Side effects
  • 4 How to prepare it?
    • 4.1 Antiasthmatic
    • 4.2 Conjunctivitis
    • 4.3 Diabetes
    • 4.4 diarrhea
    • 4.5 warts
  • 5 References

What is it for?

- Yaca is known in traditional medicine as antiasthmatic, antidiarrheal, anthelmintic, in the treatment of conjunctivitis and otitis, and in the removal of warts..

- Quickly provides energy due to the presence of simple sugars in its composition.

- Helps prevent degenerative diseases due to its content of vitamins A and C. In addition to nutrients, it contains phytochemicals. These act as antioxidants allowing the body to eliminate free radicals that cause premature cellular aging..

- Its fiber composition contributes to intestinal transit and, therefore, can prevent constipation and colorectal cancer. By improving bowel movement, better absorption of nutrients is also promoted.

- The high content of vitamin A helps maintain and improve eyesight. This vitamin also prevents night blindness. Promotes the maintenance of a young and firm skin.

- Jackfruit can promote collagen production due to its vitamin C content. Collagen is a fundamental protein for the skin's structure. The combination of vitamin C and the protein in jackfruit are excellent for soothing skin wounds.

- The vitamin C in jackfruit can boost the immune system and improve white blood cell function to increase the body's natural defense against infection. A strong immune system is the best prevention against the attack of viruses, bacteria and fungi.

- The presence of potassium makes jackfruit an excellent food to stabilize blood pressure. Its consumption is of great help for people who face high blood pressure.

- The calcium in jackfruit helps strengthen bones and prevents fractures. It is recommended especially for the elderly and postmenopausal women.

- Jackfruit contains iron, which can prevent anemia. Anemia due to low red blood cells causes weakness and fatigue. Iron is a constituent of red blood cells and ensures that oxygen is transported to all cells in the body.

- Jackfruit promotes the maintenance of normal heart function. This is possible both due to their potassium and vitamin B6 content, which protect the heart by controlling the level of homocysteine..

- With the seed of the jackfruit you can make gluten-free flour, just as it is manufactured in South India. Jackfruit seed flour is recommended for celiac patients.

- High blood sugar can be caused by manganese deficiency. Jackfruit provides this nutrient and therefore helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Nutritional properties

The jackfruit fruit grows on the trunk of the tree, like that of cocoa. The fruits of the breadfruit tree (Artocarpus altilis) are very similar but grow on the branches. The two fruits should not be confused, even when they belong to the same family.

Jackfruit seed represents 42% of the fruit. It is mainly composed of an edible nut (80%) and the remaining 20% ​​is a woody shell.

100 grams of the edible portion of the fruit provide 95 Kcal, 1.72 grams of protein, 0.64 grams of total lipids and 23.25 grams of carbohydrates.

As in all fresh fruits, its largest component is water: 73.46 grams per cent. The lipid fraction is composed of 0.195 g of saturated fatty acids, 0.155 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids and 0.094 grams of polyunsaturated. Jackfruit does not contain cholesterol.

Among carbohydrates, total sugars represent 19.08 per hundred grams and dietary fiber 1.5 grams. Its mineral content is 24 mg of calcium, 0.23 mg of iron, 29 mg of magnesium, 21 mg of phosphorus, 448 mg of potassium, 2 mg of sodium and 0.13 mg of zinc.

Regarding vitamins, 100 grams of the edible portion of fresh fruit provide 13.7 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), 0.105 mg of thiamine, 0.055 mg of riboflavin, 0.920 mg of niacin, 0.329 mg of vitamin B6, 0.34 mg of vitamin E, 24 µg of folates and 110 International Units (IU) of vitamin A.

Side effects

Jackfruit can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. Although it helps control blood sugar, it should be consumed with caution in certain cases. For example, if it is consumed excessively it can raise the level of sugar in patients with diabetes.

It should not be used by people on oral anticoagulant medication, or shortly after receiving a tissue transplant. It has been reported that its consumption can decrease libido.

How to prepare it?

As food it can be used green or ripe, fresh or in sweet or savory preparations. It is commonly consumed in many tropical regions; regional breads, ice creams and jams are made. With the shell you can make tepache (fermented Mexican drink).

It is used as a companion to the main meal and can replace rice, vegetables, banana and others. Jackfruit is cooked roasted, baked, fried or boiled. Jackfruit preparations for therapeutic purposes mainly use the leaves.


As an antiasthmatic and to treat arterial hypertension, an infusion is made with the leaves of the tree and drunk one cup a day.


For conjunctivitis, a decoction is made with the leaves and two drops are applied to each eye for three days..


People with diabetes can take the infusion of the leaves several times a day.


To treat diarrhea, the resin obtained from the base of the trunk is used diluted in a tablespoon of salted water..


For warts, the product of root maceration is used locally.


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