The system osteo muscular arthritis (SOAM) is the main one in charge of allowing all the movements that we carry out on a daily basis. It is a conglom...
The lymph It is a slightly alkaline fluid that functions as an interstitial fluid in the human body, that is, it flows in the empty space between one ...
The Wernicke area it is one of the main areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for understanding spoken and written language. It is considered the c...
The pronator muscles are two muscles responsible for tilting the radius bone through the ulna bone or in a prone (face down) position. There are ...
The villi intestinal, in anatomy and physiology,are those extensions of the wall of the small intestine in which the absorption of food occurs. They a...
The types of heartsĀ of living beings can be classified as bicameral, tricameral and with four chambers. When we refer to the anatomy of the various sp...
The nose it is one of the organs in our body that we use to breathe and smell. It is part of the respiratory system and is found more or less in the m...
The ears, Also known as ears, they are the organs of our body that we use to listen and that also help us maintain balance. Other animals have them to...
The sensory receptors They are structures located in different regions of our body that respond to the constant stimuli that we receive from the envir...