The pharyngeal arches or branchial are mesodermal bars that displace the mesodermal tissue that surrounds the pharyngeal intestine of the human embryo...
The temporomandibular joint or skull-mandibular complex, it is a bicondylar synovial joint that is established between the temporal bone (one of the b...
The cardiac muscle tissue, Generally called myocardium, it represents the most important tissue component of the heart. Both from the point of view of...
The minor round it is a thin muscle that is located in the shoulder. It is one of the four muscles that form a support and stability structure of that...
The fibrous joints, Also called fixed joints, they are those that are characterized by having little or no mobility. In this type of bone coupling, th...
The Bowman's capsule represents the initial segment of the tubular component of the nephron, an anatomical-functional unit of the kidney in which the ...
The barognosia or barognosis is a medical term used to describe the ability of human beings to distinguish the difference in weight between two object...
The stereoognosia, Also called stereoognosis, it is the ability of human beings to be able to recognize an object of common use, using only the sense ...
The scarpa triangle, Also known as the femoral triangle, it is a triangular anatomical area, with a lower vertex, located in the antero-superior part ...