The cadaverine it is a polyamine of natural origin with multiple bioactive forms. Polyamines are molecules with cationic characteristics that are dist...
The cytoplasm It is the substance found inside cells, which includes the cytoplasmic matrix or cytosol and the subcellular compartments. The cytosol c...
The intracellular digestion it is the process by which cells use their enzymatic machinery to break down molecules within the same cell. The principle...
The mitochondrial inheritance It is the transmission of mitochondrial DNA through organelles called "mitochondria" and occurs from the parents to thei...
The opsonins are molecules of the immune system that bind to antigen and immune cells known as phagocytes, facilitating the process of phagocytosis. S...
What is phagocytosis? Phagocytosis is the process in which cells "capture" different substances and molecules from the environment that surrounds them...
The enterochromaffin cells, They are a type of intestinal endocrine and neuroendocrine cells. They are located next to the epithelium that lines the l...
The hemolysin It is a small protein that causes pores in the cell membrane of erythrocytes and some other cells of the mammalian blood. It is generall...
Tonoplast is the term used in biology to identify the inner membranes of the vacuoles in plant cells. Tonoplast has a selective permeability and locks...