Salary and salary refer to the remuneration that a professional or worker receives from an employer in exchange for their work or services.However, sa...
Simple interest is that which is not added to the initial capital once the term of the investment or credit has expired.Compound interest is that whic...
Fixed and variable costs are the money disbursements that a company has to make to guarantee its operation.The difference between fixed and variable c...
cost It is all outlay that a company makes to maintain its process of production of goods or services (purchases of raw materials, transportation of p...
Offer is the amount of products and services available in a specific market. The higher the price, the higher the offer.Demand is the amount of produc...
In accounting and finance, a active represents the goods and rights that an entity owns to carry out an activity, from which it is expected to obtain ...
A debit card It is a financial instrument that allows the user of a bank account to withdraw or use their funds electronically, without the need to us...
GDP is the acronym for Gross Domestic Product and refers to the income accumulated by a country from sales of goods and services in a given period, wh...
The difference between gross and net, in economic or accounting terms, is that the raw indices refer to total amounts that have not been subtracted or...