The professional ethics It consists of a set of codes or standards that apply to all professions. For this reason, it is common to hear about medical ...
Some main philosophical currents they are idealism, empiricism, rationalism or irrationalism. In this article, I list the major schools of philosophic...
The technoethics It is a discipline that defines the ethical and moral parameters that the technological sciences must follow in order not to harm soc...
Demosthenes He was one of the most important orators and politicians of Ancient Greece. Born in 384 BC. C. in Athens, he began practicing the professi...
The bioethics It is a current of ethics that arose due to the need to correctly guide human behavior in front of all living beings. In other words, bi...
The supreme logical principles are those premises that govern the thought process, giving it order, meaning and rigor. According to traditional logic,...
The philosophical disciplines are each and every one of the branches of study that are in charge of analyzing a specific problem or a part of the whol...
The Marxist school was constituted from the writings and reflections of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, as an institution that deepened in the study, ...
The philosophy study knowledge in all its forms. In this way, it deals with fundamental problems related to existence, thought, values, mind and langu...