I leave you the best phrases of The advantages of being invisible (Hispano-America) or The Advantages of Being an Outcast (Spain), 2012 film based on ...
I leave you the best Sigmund Freud quotes (1856-1939), Austrian neurologist who developed psychoanalysis and the theories of the ego, libido, and it, ...
I leave you the best Captain America phrases, fictional Marvel Comics character, created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, and who first appeared in March ...
I leave you the best short phrases by Mario Benedetti about love, friendship, not giving up and much more. They are thoughts, reflections and words fr...
I leave you the best Oscar Wilde quotes (1854-1900),Irish writer, poet and playwright, author of such works as The Picture of Dorian Gray or The impor...
I leave you the best Jules Verne quotes (1828-1905), French writer and playwright, author of works such as Journey to the Center of the Earth, Twenty ...
I leave you the best phrases by Umberto Eco (1932-2016), philosopher, university professor and one of the best writers of the last century, being The ...
I leave you the best Canserbero phrases, Venezuelan rap singer and songwriter who died in 2015. His published albums are Basyco, base and content, Ind...
I leave you the best Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes (1749-1832), poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theater director, critic, and am...