The Kirchhoff's laws They are based on the law of conservation of energy, and allow us to analyze the variables inherent in electrical circuits. Both ...
The carnot machine it is an ideal cyclical model in which heat is used to do work. The system can be understood as a piston that moves inside a cylind...
The electrical conductors or conductive materials They are those that have little resistance to the circulation of electric current, given their speci...
The net force it is defined as the sum of all the forces acting on an object. An example? When you kick a soccer ball, the ball takes off and moves th...
The converging lenses They are those that are thicker in the central part and thinner at the edges. As a consequence, they concentrate (converge) the ...
The pressure gradient consists of the variations or differences of Pressure in a given direction, which can occur inside or at the boundary of a fluid...
The relative permeability It is the measure of the capacity of a certain material to be traversed by a flow -without losing its characteristics-, with...
The polarized light is the electromagnetic radiation that vibrates in a single plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation. The vibration in a...
A vector magnitude is any expression represented by a vector that has a numerical value (modulus), direction, direction and point of application. Some...