The divergent lenses They are those that are thinner in the central part and thicker at the edges. As a consequence, they separate (diverge) the light...
The interfacial tension (γ) is the net force per unit length that is exerted on the contact surface between one phase (solid or liquid) and another (s...
The physical adherence It is the union between two or more surfaces of the same material or of different material when they come into contact. It is p...
The superficial dilation It is the expansion that occurs when an object experiences variations in its surface due to a variation in temperature. It is...
The physical optics It is the part of optics that studies the wave nature of light and the physical phenomena that are only understood from the wave m...
A mechanical wave it is a disturbance that needs a physical medium to spread. The closest example is in sound, capable of being transmitted through a ...
The sound energy or acoustic is one that transport sound waves when they propagate in a medium, which can be a gas such as air, a liquid or a solid. H...
The sensible heat it is the thermal energy supplied to an object causing it to increase its temperature. It is the opposite of latent heat, in which t...
The factorial rig It is a simple machine that consists of an arrangement of pulleys with a multiplying effect of the force. In this way, a load can be...