Telling the problems to others has a positive impact on the emotional health of any person, but achieving a total balance of the body with the mind, c...
Recent research has identified stress in pregnancy as a serious problem that can have serious consequences for the baby. According to the results obta...
Eye care is of the utmost importance, even more so today, when you are exposed for many hours to the computer and television, as well as to a poor die...
Psychology is one of the few branches of medicine that does not require physical or chemical medical analysis to evaluate patients. For this reason, i...
The differences between people with religious beliefs and those who defend scientific evidence have existed since time immemorial. In fact, there is a...
Reaching old age is a situation that emotionally affects many people, the main reason is that, as one begins to age, the capacities to do things are l...
Are you planning to open your own business? It's a great idea. With good planning, you can turn it into a profitable business. Let's talk about what y...
When people feel good about themselves, that attitude is projected abroad and makes them look more attractive. Between the subjective, the psychologic...
A recent study conducted in the United Kingdom and Ireland has shown evidence of a increased rate of young people suffering from anorexia nervosa. Acc...