The brain peduncles They are brain casts made up entirely of nerves. Each human brain has two cerebral peduncles that are joined by an interpeduncular...
The forebrain It is a part of the primitive brain that is located in the anterior portion of the brain. It is a structure that develops during the emb...
The telencephalon It is a large structure of the brain located just above the diencephalon, thus being the most superior region of the brain. Inside i...
The diencephalon It is one of the main regions of the brain. It is located just below the telencephalon (uppermost region of the brain) and just above...
The Schwann cellsĀ or neurolemocytes are a specific type of glial cells of the brain's nervous system. These cells are located in the peripheral nervou...
The Brain atrophy It is a pathological process in which there is a progressive death and elimination of neurons in the brain, as well as neuronal conn...
The pain It is a phenomenon that tells us that some part of our body is suffering damage. It is characterized by a withdrawal response from the factor...
The motor neurons or motor neurons are the nerve cells that conduct nerve impulses out of the central nervous system. Its main function is to control ...
The glial cells They are support cells that protect neurons and hold them together. The set of glial cells is called the glia or neuroglia. The term "...