The Sense of hearing It is the one that captures the vibrations of the air, translating them into meaningful sounds. The ear captures sound waves and ...
The neuronal synapse It consists of the union of the terminal buttons of two neurons in order to transmit information. In this connection, a neuron se...
The Rolando fissure It is a cleft found in the upper part of the brain of higher mammals, including humans. This brain region, which is also known as ...
The Tarlov cysts, Also called perineural cysts, they are dilations in the roots of the nerves that promote the formation of fluid-filled sacs, specifi...
The hypophysis o pituitary gland is an endocrine gland that secretes hormones responsible for regulating the body's homeostasis. It is responsible for...
The Ranvier's nodules they are a series of interruptions that originate at regular intervals along the length of a neuron's axon. They are small nodul...
The myelin or myelin sheath is a fatty substance that surrounds nerve fibers and whose function is to increase the speed of nerve impulses, facilitati...
The ependymal cells, Also known as ependymocytes, they are a type of epithelial cell. They are part of the group of neurogliagles cells of the nervous...
The pale balloon It is a small mass of gray matter that is located at the base of the brain. It is the smallest nucleus of the basal ganglia. It conne...