The dopaminergic neurons They are brain cells that are responsible for producing dopamine and transmitting it to other cells of the nervous system. Th...
The striated body or striated nucleus is an important subcortical region that belongs to the forebrain. It is the main route of entry of information t...
The pons, annular pons or brainstem bridge, is a region of the brain that is located in the brainstem, between the medulla oblongata and the midbrain....
The action potential It is a short-lived electrical or chemical phenomenon that occurs in the neurons of our brain. It can be said that it is the mess...
The midbrain or midbrain is the upper structure of the brainstem. It is a brain region that is responsible for joining the brainstem bridge and the ce...
The multipolar neurons They are a type of neurons that are characterized by having a nucleus, an axon and a large number of dendrites. The morphology ...
The caudate nucleus It is a structure of the brain that is part of the basal ganglia. It constitutes a mass of gray matter. This mass is found deep in...
The GABA or gamma aminobutyric acid it is the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the nervous system. It is the most abundant inhibitory neu...
The neocortex or neocortex is a structure divided into thin layers that covers the brain of mammals, including humans. Its main functions are sensory ...