Linux logo The Linux operating system features They have managed to get 78% of the world's top 500 servers to use it. It is currently known as GNU / L...
The inventions of the Industrial Revolution are those artifacts or creations that were developed between 1760 and 1840, that is, during the process of...
A bicycle is an example of a mechanical system What are mechanical systems? The mechanical systems They are a set of components, elements or physical ...
A modem is a device that encodes the analog signal of the Internet provider and converts it into a digital signal so that it can be used.A router is a...
Technology is all that solution, development or knowledge that facilitates life in society. And in the last half century, technological advances have ...
The input and output devices or input / output units are the physical equipment connected to the computer. These devices allow information to be commu...
The hardware is the structure that provides physical support to the computer while the software is the operational support. Together, hardware and sof...
The software It is the set of instructions written in computer programs that represent its logical element. These instructions give the equipment the ...
An algorithm is a set of ordered, finite, and delimited instructions that are created in order to systematically describe the execution of a task.Algo...