Technological disasters are listed as one of the main reasons for environmental pollution What are technological disasters? Technological disasters ar...
An example of a special installation; an elevator or elevator in a building What are special facilities? Special facilities refer to all equipment, s...
Facebook is a social network that serves to be in contact with friends and family Facebook It is used for different areas such as business, education...
What is the second generation of computers? The second generation of computers refers to the evolutionary phase of the technology that was used during...
What is the third generation of computers? The third generation computers refers to computer technology that was based on integrated circuits, which w...
What is the fifth generation of computers? The fifth generation computers refers to the use of technology associated with artificial intelligence, rel...
The fourth generation of computers refers to the type of computers that were used during the phase that began in 1972. This phase has been based on mi...
Among the main engineering branches Nanoengineering, computer engineering, aerospace engineering, mining engineering, structural engineering and hydra...
What is the sixth generation of computers? The sixth generation of computers refers to the phase of intelligent computers, which are based on "brains"...