10 Natural Remedies for Stress (Home and Inexpensive)

Egbert Haynes
10 Natural Remedies for Stress (Home and Inexpensive)

In this article I show you 10 natural remedies for stress (homemade) that will help you to fight it, to have more well-being in your life, better relationships and in general to be happier.

All people experience stress at some point in their lives, for different reasons. Although it is natural and reasonable to feel a certain degree of stress in certain situations, when this feeling is prolonged over time it can have very negative consequences on health..

It is therefore important to learn how to manage stress, because if you have it frequently, sooner or later the consequences will surface, be it with gastrointestinal problems, anxiety, depression and other possible effects..

Natural remedies for stress

do exercise

Going for a run, a walk, or working out at the gym is a great way to deal with stress from a physical point of view..

When exercising in the body, chemicals called endorphins are released, which eliminate tensions and increase the feeling of well-being.

Don't try to cover what you can't solve

Stress arises when you perceive that you do not have the capacity or sufficient resources to face the problems that you have to face.

For example, if you have to do a report for which you need knowledge that you do not have. Because you perceive that you cannot solve the problem, you become stressed and nervous.

Challenges are good, trying to overcome barriers or problems in your life, however if they are too big you will stress. Then try to face challenges or problems that are somewhat difficult, not very difficult.

For example, if you've been running for a week, don't try to prepare for a 40-kilometer marathon. Make a goal of running 20 minutes a day the first week. In a year if you can face running a marathon.

Get organized

Organizing yourself and making good use of your time is essential to avoid stress. There is often time for everything, as long as time is used well.

When you work, focus on working, avoid looking at your smartphone, checking if you have received a new message or looking at social networks. Also avoid being interrupted.

An important resource is time and you have to manage it well to feel good and avoid stress.

Practice relaxation techniques

This is a very simple technique to apply and also very effective for the control of anxiety and stress symptoms..

What's more, some scientific studies reveal that proper breathing technique is also capable of lowering the levels of a hormone called cortisol, which is closely related to stress..

To apply this technique, follow these steps:

  • Take a deep breath as you slowly count to four.
  • Hold this inspiration while you count to four again, slowly.
  • Exhale all the air from your lungs, while you slowly count to eight.

Repeat this technique for several minutes, when you feel stressed and you will see that you will soon feel more relaxed..

There are many other breathing techniques that will help you relax..

Recognize what cannot be changed

There are certain situations that it is not in your hands to change and you must accept it. When you accept it, you can free yourself from the thoughts that stress you out..

For example, if you cannot avoid driving during rush hour, then you should simply accept this fact and try to relax by listening to quiet music..

At other times, accepting that there are things that you will not be able to change eliminates feelings of responsibility around that situation, which will relieve the stress that they cause you.

Avoid situations that cause you stress

People can get stressed for different reasons: work, relationships, family, money, or health. Identify the situations that cause you stress and then try to get away from them: this is a great step to relieve tension.

For example, if you know that certain family conflicts cause you stress, then instead of spending all day with the family, try going for a walk to clear your mind or take a ride in the car..

Practice mindfulness

This is a technique that requires some practice, but it can also be very useful to ward off negative ideas that haunt your head and cause you stress..

When you identify symptoms such as anxiety, discomfort, worry, look at what you are thinking at that moment, surely it is negative thoughts.

To be more aware of your thoughts and live in the present instead of in the past or future it will help you to practice meditation or mindfulness.

Muscle relaxation technique

Voluntarily relaxing the muscles through different techniques helps to release tension, avoid stress and increase the feeling of inner peace.

There are many ways to achieve muscle relaxation; Here's a simple technique that can be applied anytime, almost anywhere.

  • First, sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes.
  • Bring your attention to the toe muscles. Relax them consciously, until you no longer feel them. Then focus on the leg muscles, relax them and work your way up to the neck and head.
  • When you are totally relaxed, imagine that you are in a peaceful and relaxing place, like a deserted tropical beach, totally free of worries.

Practice this exercise daily or even several times a day, for 10 minutes at a time. It is scientifically proven that relaxation techniques help lower anxiety levels and control stress.

Practice yoga

The practice of yoga combines breathing exercises with muscle relaxation, and that is why it is very useful in stress control.

According to research carried out at the University of California, practicing yoga for just 12 minutes a day reduced stress in people who had stressful jobs, such as caring for patients with Alzheimer's or other mental illnesses.

The study observed that after eight weeks of practicing a type of yoga meditation called Kirtan Kriva for these few minutes a day, the inflammatory response of the immune system in these people was reduced, a response caused by stress.

In conclusion, if you feel stressed, joining a yoga class can help you.


Meditation helps to free the mind of negative thoughts, controlling breathing and achieving relaxation of the muscles, thus becoming an excellent tool to combat stress.

There are several meditation techniques and all can be very useful, as they reorder the mind and reduce anxiety. Some of these techniques focus on breathing, others on the visualization of a particular object or certain invocations..

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh, conducted a study of the effects of 25 minutes of daily focused meditation on breathing in a group of 66 people.

They found that after only three days of applying this meditation technique, these people spoke in public and performed a mathematical test showing significantly lower stress levels compared to the control group..

Therefore, if you want to reduce stress in your life, meditation can be another very good option. In this article you have more of its benefits.

As you can see, there are many natural remedies that can help you fight stress. However, if you find that you cannot control your symptoms with these simple measures, then it is best to consult your GP or a professional psychotherapist..

And what other techniques do you know? I am interested in your opinion. Thanks!

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