I leave you the best human rights phrases from famous people like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Theodore Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, Bob Marley, Kofi Annan and many more.
You may also be interested in these phrases of justice or these of solidarity.
-Today's human rights violations are the cause of tomorrow's conflicts.-Mary Robinson.
-We will not enjoy security without development, we will not enjoy development without security, and we will not enjoy any without respect for human rights.-Kofi Annan.
-The secret of peace is in respect for human rights.-John Paul II.
-A people inspired by democracy, human rights and economic opportunities will decisively turn their back on extremism.-Benazir Bhutto.
-Human rights is the only ideology that deserves to survive.-Simon Wiesenthal.
-All men have equal rights to liberty, to their prosperity and to the protection of the laws.-Voltaire.
-Without peace, there is little hope for human rights.-Martin Ennals.
-Tolerance and human rights need each other.-Simon Wiesenthal.
-Denying people their human rights is challenging their own humanity.-Nelson Mandela.
-Give every human being every right you claim for yourself.-Robert G. Ingersoll.
-The rights of all men are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.-John F. Kennedy.
-You are a human being, you have inherent rights to that reality. You have dignity and value that exist before that law.-Lyn Beth Neylon.
-A right is not something someone gives you; It is something that no one can take away.-Ramsey Clark.
-Human rights are not violated only by terrorism, repression or murder, but by unjust economic structures that create enormous inequalities.-Pope Francis.
-The earth is the mother of all people and all people should have equal rights over it.-Chief Joseph.
-The hope of a safe and livable world rests with nonconformist and disciplined people who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood.-Martin Luther King, Jr.
-Silence in the face of justice is complicity with the oppressor.-Ginetta Sagan.
-Life is not a matter of place, things, or comfort. It is about the basic human rights of the family, country, justice and human dignity.-Imelda Marcos.
-Human rights are a universal norm. A component of every religion and every civilization.-Shirin Ebadi.
-By giving rights to others, we give ourselves rights.-John F. Kennedy.
-Commit yourself to the noble fight for human rights. You will make yourself a better person, a great nation of your country, and a better world to live in.-Martin Luther King, Jr.
-Freedom of expression is the foundation of human rights, the root of human nature, and the mother of truth. Killing freedom of expression is insulting human rights, repressing human nature or suppressing the truth.-Liu Xiaobo.
-Every State has the primary duty to protect its population from human rights violations, as well as from the consequences of humanitarian crises, natural or man-made.-Pope Benedict XVI.
-Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where people feed themselves, and where individuals and nations are free.-Dalai Lama.
-All peoples, regardless of their race or color, should enjoy basic human rights instead of being mistreated and discriminated against.-Zhou Enlai.
-In my country South Africa, we fought for years against the demonic apartheid system that divided human beings, children of God himself, into racial classifications and denied many of their basic human rights.-Desmond Tutu.
-A community is democratic only when the humblest and weakest person can enjoy the civil, economic and social rights that the greatest and most powerful have.-A. Philip randolph.
-Every human being has the right to decide his own destiny.-Bob Marley.
-Get up, get up for your rights. Do not give up the fight.-Bob Marley.
-The evolution of human rights clearly illustrates humanity's struggle to create a better world.-Robert Alan Silverstein.
-Laws are silent in times of war.-Cicero.
-All human beings, whatever their culture or historical past, suffer when they are intimidated, imprisoned or tortured. We must, therefore, insist on a global consensus, not only because of the need to respect human rights throughout the world, but also because of the definition of those rights, because it is inherent in all human beings to yearn for freedom, equality and dignity. .-Dalai Lama.
-No one is above the law and no one below it.-Theodore Roosevelt.
-Human beings, indeed all living beings, have the right to pursue happiness and live in peace and freedom.-Dalai Lama.
-I am in favor of justice, equal opportunities and human rights. The indispensable elements in a democratic society and for which it is worth fighting.-Helen Suzman.
-No cause can justify the abuse of human rights.-Irene Khan.
-Sinning by being silent when they must protest, makes men cowards.-Abraham Lincoln.
-Freedom means supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who fight to win those rights or keep them.-Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
-Poverty is the absence of all human rights. The frustrations, hostility and anger generated by poverty cannot sustain peace in any society.-Muhammad Yunus.
-Whenever there is a conflict between human and property rights, human rights must prevail.-Abraham Lincoln.
-It begins with the duties of a man and the rights will continue as spring follows winter.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-Every human being, of any origin, deserves respect. We must respect others even as we respect ourselves.-U Thant.
-It is my aspiration that health is not seen finally as a blessing to be desired, but as a human right to fight for.-Kofi Annan.
-People never complained about the universality of human rights, nor did they regard human rights as a Western imposition. Often it was their leaders who did it.-Kofi Annan.
-All men are born free and independent by nature.-George Mason.
-Nothing and no one will stop Russia on its way to strengthen democracy and ensure human rights and freedoms.-Vladimir Putin.
-The problem of human rights is one of the most fundamental and also one of the most sensitive and controversial.-Ali Khamenei.
-Human rights are women's rights, women's rights are human rights.-Hillary Clinton.
-I am inferior to any man whose rights I trample.-Horace Greeley.
-Human rights are inscribed in the hearts of people; They were there long before the legislators wrote their first proclamation.-Mary Robinson.
-The idea of cultural relativism is nothing more than an excuse to violate human rights.-Shirin Ebadi.
-Every time I hear someone argue in favor of slavery, I feel a strong urge to see it dealt with in him personally.-Abraham Lincoln.
-The truth resides in every human heart, and one has to seek it there, and be guided by the truth as one sees it. But no one has the right to force others to act according to their own vision of truth.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-Fundamental human rights violations always lead people to feel less and less human.-Aung San Suu Kyi.
-It is time in the West not so much to defend human rights as human obligations.-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
-The world does not need a war against terrorism, it needs a culture of peace based on human rights for all.-Irene Khan.
-Governments that block the aspirations of their people, that steal or are corrupt, that oppress, torture or deny freedom of expression and human rights, should bear in mind that they will find it increasingly difficult to escape the judgment of their own people, or justifiably, the scope of international law.-William Hague.
-Knowledge renders a man incapable of being a slave.-Frederick Douglass.
-Freedom and democracy are very vague words, but human rights is very specific.-Joichi Ito.
-A commitment to human rights cannot be fostered simply by the transmission of knowledge. Action and experience play a crucial role in the learning process.-Daisaku Ikeda.
-Don't let any human being bring you down so low as to hate him.-Martin Luther King.
-You can imprison a man, but not an idea. You can exile a man, but not an idea. You can kill a man, but not an idea.-Benazir Bhutto.
-Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right; the right to dignity and a decent life.-Nelson Mandela.
-Human rights are praised more than ever and violated more than ever.-Anna Lindh.
-If we destroy human rights and the rule of law in response to terrorism, they have won.-Joichi Ito.
-The human right to education is much more than a lesson in schools or a topic in a day; It is a process of equipping people with the tools they need to live their lives in safety and dignity.-Kofi Annan.
-The right to development is the measure of respect for all other human rights. That should be our goal: a situation in which all individuals can maximize their potential and contribute to the evolution of society as a whole.-Kofi Annan.
-Open your newspaper -any day of the week- and you will find a report of someone in the world who has been imprisoned, tortured or executed because their opinions or religion are unacceptable to their government.-Peter Benenson.
-If the equality of individuals and the dignity of man are myths, they are myths for which the republic is committed.-Howard Mumford Jones.
-Torture is prohibited in two thirds of the countries of the world but it is still committed in secret. Many governments still allow unjust imprisonment, assassinations or "disappearances" that are carried out by their officers with impunity.-Peter Benenson.
-The most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.-Stephen Biko.
-I love revolutionaries who have the courage to stand up against the status quo. They are always misunderstandings, but they are the ones who stand up for human rights.-Richard Hatch.
-Spread love wherever you go: first in your own home. Give love to your children, your wife, your husband, your neighbor. Don't let anyone come to you without leaving you better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting.-Mother Teresa.
-Health is a human need; Health is a human right.-James Lenhart.
-A nation should not be judged by how it treats its better-off citizens, but by how it treats those with little or nothing.-Nelson Mandela.
-We are not myths of the past, jungle ruins or zoos. We are people and we want to be respected, not victims of intolerance and racism.-Chief Oren Lyons.
-We discovered that peace at any price is not peace. We discover that life at any price has no value, that life is nothing without privileges, pride, rights, joys that make life worth living. And we also discover that there is something more horrible, more atrocious than war or death; Live in fear.-Nelson Mandela.
-I vowed never to be silent when human beings endured suffering and humiliation. We must always take part. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the torturer, never the tortured.-Elie Wiesel.
-I have cherished the ideal of a free and democratic society. It is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.-Eleanor Roosevelt.
-Democracy is based on the principle of the majority. This is especially true in a country like ours where the rights of the vast majority have been systematically denied. At the same time, democracy also requires that the rights of politicians and other minorities be safeguarded.-Nelson Mandela.
-It means a lot to those who are oppressed to know that they are not alone. And never let someone tell you that what you do is insignificant.-Bishop Desmond Tutu.
-Religions oppressive to women are also against democracy, human rights and freedom of expression.-Taslima Nasrin.
-Companies will have to consider the human rights implications of any investment they make.-Tristen Taylor.
-Although we are in different boats, you in your boat and I in my canoe, we share the same river of life.-Dom Helder Camara.
-Democracy is not the law of the majority, but the protection of the minority.-Albert Camus.
-Fear is not the natural state of a civilized man.-Aung San Suu Kyi.
-I feel more motivated and happy because there are people interested in our problems, people who care about us and support us in the fight for human freedom.-Aktham Naisse.
-I will not give up until the exploitation of all children is over and all children have their rights.-Craig Kielburger.
-As long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we will be called a democracy.-Roger Nash Baldwin.
-Everyone has the right to peaceful coexistence, basic personal freedoms, relief from suffering, and the opportunity to lead a productive life.-Jimmy Carter.
-The right to human life and happiness, and not its destruction, is the first and only object of good government.-Thomas Jefferson.
-Caged birds sing for freedom, free birds fly.-Thorolf Rafto.
-Peace, development and human rights are essentially interrelated, interdependently and indivisibly.-Theo van Boven.
-I do not know with what weapons the third world war will be fought, but the fourth will be fought with sticks and stones.-Albert Einstein.
-Please use your freedom to promote ours.-Aung San Suu Kyi.
-The modern infrastructures that exist in the world contribute to the promotion of human rights and democracy.-Akbar Ganji.
-Together we can prevent genocide from happening again. Together we can make a better future for our children.-Dith Pran.
-Human rights for everyone are the necessary foundation on which we all build a world where we live in peace, serenity and plenitude.-Michael Douglas.
-Defining what is moral is never easy, particularly in foreign policy. But at the risk of seeming simplistic, it seems to me that a foreign policy protects human rights everywhere.-Arthur Joseph Goldberg.
-There is no contradiction between effective law enforcement and civil respect for human rights.-Dorothy Height.
-We believe that human rights transcend and must prevail over the sovereignty of the State.-José Ramos-Horta.
-You cannot have peace without human rights, gender equality, and clean water. Look at the roots of war and you will find, on its reverse, the foundational roots of peace.-Cora Weiss.
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