The medications for sound sleep,With and without a prescription, they are now very common in the population. There are more and more cases of people, who for different reasons, find it difficult to sleep. Daily worries, stress or anxiety are usually some of the causes that cause insomnia.
Experts agree that the use of drugs to help sleep should be limited in time and controlled by a professional. It is advisable to do it only at specific times and if the difficulties in falling asleep persist, the doctor or another professional should be consulted again..
If the reasons for insomnia are anxiety or stress generated by everyday worries, it will be necessary to solve it from its base. Likewise, in many cases it is about establishing healthy lifestyle and sleep habits..
Having a few hours of full and restorative rest is essential for our physical and mental health. Some of the consequences of insomnia are irritability, stress, lack of concentration, extreme fatigue, migraines, disorientation, intestinal problems, among others..
Because the consequences of lack of sleep or problems falling asleep are many and varied, there are more and more medications to help combat them. Next we are going to expose some of them, their characteristics and contraindications.
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In most cases, over-the-counter sleep medications contain antihistamines. This component is used for the treatment of allergies but also induces sleep.
These pills are not addictive, but the body tolerates them very quickly, so if they are used continuously, they stop working. Some of the drugs of this type that are commonly used are:
It is used to treat lack of sleep or difficulty maintaining it. It is also indicated for the treatment of colds when combined with other components. Some of the side effects that may appear are:
This medicine is used to treat insomnia. But it is also indicated for the treatment of allergy symptoms such as tearing, irritation, itching or a runny nose. Among the side effects it can cause are:
These types of drugs are mostly called hypnotics and antidepressants are also used. Its main function is to help you fall asleep in less time. In all cases they must be prescribed by a doctor and often create dependency. Some of the most commonly used drugs of this type are:
It is used only for the treatment of insomnia. Its action consists of slowing down the activity of the brain to facilitate sleep. This medicine can have multiple side effects, including:
This medicine is used only to help you fall asleep more quickly or keep it off. It works like melatonin, a natural substance in the brain that is essential for sleeping. Some of the side effects it can cause are:
This medicine is used to help you fall asleep. But it will not increase sleep time or decrease the number of times a person wakes up at night. Its action slows down brain activity which facilitates sleep. Among the side effects it can cause are:
It is used only in the treatment of insomnia. Like two of the aforementioned, its function is to slow down the activity of the brain to facilitate sleep. Among the side effects that may appear after ingestion we find:
This medicine belongs to the so-called tricyclic antidepressants and is indicated for the treatment of depression and anxiety. But taken in small amounts it is also used to treat insomnia. Among the side effects that its consumption can cause we find:
Like the previous one, it belongs to the group of medicines called tricyclic antidepressants. It is used to treat depression but in small amounts it is prescribed to help you fall asleep. Some of the side effects that it can present are:
Like the previous drugs, it belongs to the group of antidepressants. Its usual use is for the treatment of depression although it can also help you fall asleep. Among the side effects that can derive from its consumption we find:
This drug is also among antidepressants. Its action consists of regulating the levels of serotonin in the brain, the hormone responsible for inducing sleep. Its consumption can cause different side effects. Among them are:
In the case of prescription sleep medications, it is important to note that most of them cause dependency. Some indications to follow with this type of medication are:
Research in this field has increased in recent years. Some natural products seem to have the same benefits as medicines but without the side effects.
Although studies have yielded positive data in this regard, it is necessary to continue research in this field. Some of the most used natural products are:
It is an amino acid precursor of serotonin, a substance necessary for falling asleep. This component can be taken as a supplement but can also be increased by eating foods such as turkey, milk or brown rice..
It is one of the most used products to reduce anxiety, nervousness and / or fall asleep. Taken in high doses to produce a series of side effects such as:
It is considered that ingested in the recommended doses is a safe herb and does not have to produce side effects.
This herb was already used by the Aztecs because it is a powerful calming and sedative. These effects help induce sleep. It is one of the most used natural methods since it does not present side effects and its use is valid for both adults and children. Helps reduce tension and the effects of stress.
The only contraindication is that in high doses it can cause excessive drowsiness.
One of the natural ways to sleep that has spread the most in recent years is taking melatonin as a dietary supplement. It is a hormone that the pineal gland secretes and one of its functions is to regulate the biological clock.
When the amount of melatonin increases at night it induces us to sleep, and when the amount of it decreases it causes us to wake up in the morning.
But many experts are warning of the danger of this use. It is possible that with continued consumption our body detects that it is not necessary for it to continue producing this hormone since we ingest it artificially. In this way we can be causing hormonal disorders in our body that affect us physically and mentally.
In any case, it is always advisable to consult a doctor or health professional to help you find the causes that are causing the insomnia and thus treat the root problem.
It is also always advisable to maintain a healthy lifestyle, having a balanced diet and physical exercise helps to rest fully and restoratively at night..
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