16 Conversation Topics for Breaking the Ice

Simon Doyle
16 Conversation Topics for Breaking the Ice

These talking points to break the ice they will help you on more than one occasion. It has happened to all of us that we start talking to someone and we don't want to let the conversation die. However, it is not always easy, and more if we are face to face.

With the rise of social media, people now feel more uninhibited speaking through screens, however, personally, things are on another level and there are times when we don't know how to break the ice in the middle of a conversation . So that it does not happen to you, today we will give you some ideas of talking points to break the ice that will make you look like the best conversationalist.

Conversation topics to help you break the ice

We all love different conversations, the time for Do you work or study? If you want to have a successful conversation, use one of these conversation topics and your interlocutor will easily gain confidence.

1. Series and movies

Talking about series and movies is the old reliable when it comes to breaking the ice. Almost everyone loves movies and raves about a series. Therefore, inquiring about this can be an excellent way to break the ice and connect with someone..

2. Ask for an opinion

Tell something about your life, a situation that you are going through or something that has you thoughtful these days and ask your interlocutor's opinion. This strategy helps to gain confidence more easily and to generate empathy with the other.

3. Likes and passions

We all love to talk about the things we love, so asking your interlocutor about their passions is a hit when icebreaker topics are all about. Using this is an excellent strategy, because according to your partner's answers you will be able to see more easily where to direct the conversation..

4. News

Talking about current affairs can be an excellent way to start a conversation, it is a subject in which you will not be compromised from the start, and it is likely that the person is informed of what is happening in the world, so the most natural thing is that the conversation can flow freely.

5. Books

If your interlocutor likes to read, talking about books is a great way to connect. Inquire about their level of liking for reading and head to those places where your conversation partner feels most comfortable. In case the person is not attracted to reading, you will notice it immediately, and the ideal is to change the subject.

6. Travel

Talking about travel is another one of those icebreakers you can't miss. You can inquire about a destination or city, and from there, ask where you would love to go, or what has been the best trip of your life. With this, the conversation will flow naturally.

7. Music

The matter of music works similar to that of books, however, it should be noted that almost all of us are music lovers, and therefore it can be one of the best ways to create bonds of empathy.

8. Childhood

We all love talking about our childhood, because it is like returning to that place where we were so happy. It has happened to all of us that when we start talking about childhood, we cannot stop, because memories come and come. So, this is one of the themes that you can take advantage of to break the ice.

9. Dreams

Asking someone about their aspirations and dreams can be a great way to break the ice. Generally, these types of topics are accompanied by great explanations and threads that make the conversation not run out..

10. Quiz games

If your intention is to start a great conversation, you can resort to traditional question and answer games that will undoubtedly break the ice. This strategy is great because we all love to play games and talk about ourselves. So, with this theme there is no loss.

11. Happiness

Asking people about their happiness often makes them emotional and full of good energy. So asking someone what makes them happy or when was the last time they laughed out loud will help the person feel in a good mood and the conversation flow successfully..

12. Dreams

Talking about dreams, in this case, about those dreams that we have when we are asleep, always generates a lot of interest in people. We are all fascinated by the mysterious subject of dreams and it is also a totally unexpected subject that will incite your interlocutor to let his words flow.

13. The weather

Although this sounds like the most cliché song in the world, it works perfectly. Starting a conversation by talking about the weather is a classic of classics thanks to its effectiveness. This is certainly a great way to start..

14. Controversial issue

This is one of those icebreakers that you must know how to handle, but if you do it correctly it can give you fabric to cut. Start a controversial topic of those that are on the rise such as a political issue, feminism, abortion or gay marriage, this can be an excellent way to have your interlocutor attentive and lively to talk.

15. Environment

At present, due to current problems, there is a constant concern about the environment and therefore a lot of sensitivity to the issue. This is why talking about the environment and nature can be a great way to strike up a pleasant conversation..

16. Pets

Parallel to the previous one, the topic of pets and animals is something that helps to generate empathy with others and to start great conversations. Almost everyone has a pet at home that they adore, and in case they don't, something about the animals will have to be said. So, take advantage of the theme that surely works.

I hope these icebreakers help you start a conversation with a stranger or continue the one you don't want to let die. There is a lot to choose from, if one does not work for you, you can always turn to others and combine them.

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