30 Challenges for WhatsApp with Images (Funny Games)

David Holt
30 Challenges for WhatsApp with Images (Funny Games)

Today I bring you some challenges for Whatsapp with images and daring. They are games of all kinds, from personal challenges to riddles; with them you can have fun, hang out if you are daring and challenge your friends or family.

WhatsApp is one of the most used communication applications in the world. With it we can be in contact with our friends, clients, loved ones and also belong to groups focused on our interests.

This application also gives us the facility to make phone calls and video calls. It is especially fun because it allows you to share jokes and all kinds of messages, as well as challenges like the ones you can see below. You may also be interested in these challenges for facebook or these games for whatsapp.

List of WhatsApp challenges and games

Animal challenge

Choose one of these letters of the alphabet

These are the challenges of each letter:

  • A: Make me a sexy proposition.
  • B: Put my name on your status and say you want to marry me.
  • C: Who was your first love?
  • D: Tell me your biggest secret.
  • E: Write that I am the love of your life and write my name.
  • F: Write my name in your state for a day.
  • G: Tell me what was the last thing you did last night before sleeping.
  • H: Record a 3 minute video saying things about me.
  • I: You have to give me a tight hug.
  • J: Send me a picture of your childhood.
  • K: Send me your ugliest picture.
  • L: Confess your worst sin to me.
  • M: Send me a special song for me.
  • N: You have to go shopping with me.
  • Or: Write what you would do, if I block you now on WhatsApp.
  • Q: Send me 3 I love you.
  • Q: Comment all my photos on Facebook.
  • A: Send me a picture of your legs.
  • S: Tell me why you love me.
  • T: Send me a video telling me that I'm sweet.
  • U: Tell me the stupidest thing you did in your life.
  • V: Have you ever thought of blocking me on WhatsApp?
  • W: Spend Saturday afternoon with me.
  • X: You have to give me 3 chocolates that are your favorites.
  • Y: Update your status with the message 'I'm stupid'.
  • Z: Write that you are mine / mine and that you cannot live without me.

Find the different turtle

Answer the following questionnaire

  • What do you consider me?
  • Have I ever failed you? When?
  • Describe me.
  • You can trust me?
  • Do you think that I let myself be influenced?
  • I'm serious?
  • If something serious happened to me, what would you do?
  • Have you dreamed of me? How?
  • Any nickname?
  • What are my qualities?
  • What are my flaws?
  • Do you know me well?
  • Tell me something that you think I should change.
  • Who do i look like?

Numerical challenge

  1. Think how much you wear.
  2. Now multiply it by 5.
  3. Add 50.
  4. Multiply it by 20.
  5. Add 1020 now.
  6. Completely subtract the year you were born.

The result is the first two digits is your shoe size number and the remaining two is your age. Are you impressed? Challenge and play with your WhatsApp friends.

Find the 5 differences

How many squares are there?

Choose any color, better if it is your favorite and meets the challenge associated with it.

  • Blue: delete your ex from your phone book.
  • Gray: don't talk to your partner for 1 day.
  • Black: have your partner cook your favorite food for you by sweetly convincing her.
  • Navy blue: ask a neighbor for toilet paper.
  • Green: tell your most intimate secret to your partner.
  • Red: Drink 1 bottle of soda in 10 seconds.
  • Aquamarine: read the last message you received on WhatsApp from your partner aloud.
  • Purple: call your mom and tell her you love her.

Where is the panda?

Green or blue?

There are several variations to this optical illusion, but the effect is the same. The "blue" and "green" backgrounds are in fact the same color. You do not believe me? Isolate the two images in photoshop or with paint and you will see it.

Does the cat go down or up?

Guess the movies based on emojis

Image via ChicaGeek.

What don't you dare?

  • Send me three sexy photos.
  • Send me a spicy audio note.
  • Put my name with a heart in your state for a week.
  • Tell your friends you're marrying me and send me a capture.
  • Ask me 9 questions about love in bed.
  • Scream from the window that you love me.
  • Go out in slippers and pajamas.

From 1 to 20 what would you say to me?

  1. I really don't like you.
  2. I have wanted you.
  3. I've loved you.
  4. I want to kiss you.
  5. I like you so much.
  6. I think of you.
  7. I've missed you.
  8. I want to hug you.
  9. I'm waiting for you to tell me something.
  10. I hate you.
  11. I want to kiss with you.
  12. I want to know you more.
  13. I always want to help you.
  14. I want to listen to you always.
  15. I want to make you happy.
  16. I want to spoil you.
  17. I want to forgive you for everything bad.
  18. I want to tell you a secret.
  19. I want to encourage you.
  20. I want to continue being your friend.

What is the number that completes the series?

Does the dancer move left or right?

What do you want to know or what do you want me to do? Choose the number

  1. What kind of relationship do you expect from me?
  2. Tell me something you don't like about me.
  3. Write a WhatsApp status for me for the next 12 hours.
  4. Call me and sing a song for me.
  5. What do you like in me the most?
  6. Rate me, from 1 to 10 how I am as a friend.
  7. Recharge my phone.
  8. Tell me when did you lose your virginity.
  9. Tell me who did you lose your virginity to.
  10. If you had to evaluate my look from 1 to 100, what grade would you give me?

Guess which band the emojis represent

Recovered image of Jocar Gifts.

Answer me the following questions

  • Name some fault of mine.
  • Do you like me better now or before?
  • Do you notice any change in me? For better or worse?
  • What do you feel for me?
  • What would you do for me?
  • Have you seen me cry? Has it hurt you to see me like this?
  • What do you like the most about my personality?
  • Have I helped you with something? In what?
  • Do you have a secret to tell me?

Discover the name of the football leagues with the images

  • Hint: The teams belong to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, the United States, Morocco, England, Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Serbia. There are 60 teams.
Image recovered from tuexpertoapps.com.

Check the error in the following sequence

  • 1
  • two
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • eleven
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • fifteen
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • twenty
  • twenty-one
  • 22
  • 2. 3
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 3. 4
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38
  • 39
  • 40
  • 41
  • 42
  • 43
  • 44
  • Four. Five
  • 46
  • 47
  • 48
  • 49
  • fifty
  • 51
  • 52
  • 53
  • 54
  • 55
  • 56
  • 57
  • 58
  • 59
  • 60
  • 61
  • 62
  • 63
  • 64
  • 65
  • 66
  • 67
  • 68
  • 69
  • 70
  • 71
  • 72
  • 73
  • 74
  • 75
  • 76
  • 77
  • 78
  • 79
  • 80
  • 81
  • 82
  • 83
  • 84
  • 85
  • 86
  • 87
  • 88
  • 89
  • 90
  • 91
  • 92
  • 93
  • 94
  • 95
  • 96
  • 97
  • 98
  • 99
  • 100

Great. Well. Now is the time to tell you the mistake: the spelling of the word error at the beginning of the question is wrong!!

Choose what color I am for you

  • White: you are my angel.
  • Yellow: the person I want by my side.
  • Red: the person I love.
  • Blue: my best friend.
  • Gray: You are an acquaintance.
  • Black: I don't like you.
  • Rosa: the person I love the most.
  • Violet: my lover.
  • Orange: the person I like.
  • Celeste: the person who makes me forget the bad times.
  • Green: a little person that cannot be forgotten.

Select any number from 1 to 20 and respond to the challenge quickly

  1. Go out with me.
  2. You owe me an ice cream.
  3. Send me your most beautiful photo.
  4. Give me a rich kiss the next time you see me.
  5. Hold me when you meet me.
  6. Put a photo where we are both in your status for a whole day.
  7. Send a voice note saying that you love me in a romantic way.
  8. What do you want from our relationship?
  9. Put on your status for a whole day "I'm crazy"
  10. Call me and say my name out loud!
  11. Delete my number!
  12. Write your name and the name of the person you love in your state for a whole day.
  13. What are your feelings for me?
  14. Tell me something you always wanted to tell me but couldn't.
  15. How do you want your future to be?
  16. How do you describe me in at least 6 lines?
  17. If you had the possibility of living a movie, which movie would you choose to star in??
  18. Take me as a companion on a long journey.
  19. Dance any song and send me the video.
  20. Send me a voice note saying you love me in 3 romantic ways.

What would you take with me?

  • Friendship Coca-Cola.
  • Courtship fantasy.
  • Sprite of "you love me".
  • Beer "just for one night".
  • Vodka "let's be lovers".
  • Water "just nothing".

Put the number you choose in your comment

  1. You love Me.
  2. You adore me.
  3. Do you love me.
  4. You need me by your side.
  5. You miss me.
  6. You would give me a kiss.
  7. Do you consider yourself my friend.
  8. I take a place in your heart.
  9. You can't stand me.
  10. You do not love me.

Math challenge

Fit the sheep

Literary challenge. Read a book…

  • Over 500 pages
  • From a new or not very well known author.
  • Published the year of your birth.
  • That you have at home but that you have never read.
  • A book that you have already read.
  • One that you never finished.
  • Taken to the movies.
  • With a number in the title.
  • Set in a place you would like to travel to.

Guess the riddle

What is the 4 letter word, which has 3 letters, although it is written with 6, it rarely consists of 9 while it has 8 and it is never written with 5?

Discover the saying by looking at the images

Which is the answer?

7 + 7/7 + 7 × 7-7 = ¿?

Riddle for WhatsApp

  • Despite not being a ship, I have ropes and ornaments. I also have a royal bridge, but I have never seen a river. Answer: the guitar.

Riddle with emoticons

Image recovered from tuexpertoapps.com.

How many triangles are in this image?

Image recovered from Cognitive Workshops.

Find out the IQ of your friends

Image recovered from Peru.com.

Intelligence challenge

  • 6 + 4 = 210
  • 9 + 2 = 711
  • 8 + 5 = 313
  • 5 + 2 = 37
  • 7 + 6 = 113
  • 9 + 8 = 117
  • 10 + 6 = 416
  • 15 + 3 = 1218

Guess the letter

Word Search Challenge

I dare you to tell me

Tell me what you always wanted to tell me, today I'm in the mood.

Love challenges

  • I dare you to marry me.
  • I dare you to give me a son like you.

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