300 interesting questions for men and women

David Holt

I leave you with the best interesting questions to discuss and understand in depth the wishes, motives, thoughts, intentions, situations and aspirations of acquaintances, friends and the partner for life.

The list will be divided by blocks, including for example a section of questions to link. Most of the following questions require enough reflection to be answered, so they require adequate time for their proper development. Ideal for extended meetings and small groups.

Friends debating a series of interesting questions. Source: pixabay.com

Article index

  • 1 Interesting questions to think about
  • 2 Interesting Questions for Men
  • 3 Interesting Questions for Women
  • 4 Interesting Questions to Flirt
  • 5 Interesting Life Questions
  • 6 Topics of interest

Interesting questions to think about

-Would you break the law to save a loved one?

-What dish have you never eaten, but would you really like to try?

-If magic were real, what spell would you try to learn first??

-What skill do you consider essential that all people have it??

-Which fictional character do you think would be the most boring to meet in real life??

-If you had to escape the country, which country would you go to live in??

-If you could buy just one thing, whatever it is, what would it be?

-If you had contact with aliens and they invited you to travel to other planets, would you?

-How did you find out that Santa Claus didn't exist?

-What is the memory that you treasure the most?

-What is the first memory you have about your childhood?

-If you were immortal for a day what would you do?

-What would you do to survive an apocalypse?

-How many friends do you have on Facebook, and how many of them actually mean something to you??

-What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

-Did you ever screw it all up, but no one realized it was you?

-Under what circumstances can a lie be justified?

-If you could live forever, would you?

-If you could travel back in time, what time would you like to visit?

-What does it mean and what does it mean to be free for you?

-Would you sacrifice the life of one person to save the lives of a hundred people?

-If you could die and reincarnate into someone else, who would you be?

-What would you choose between true love and a million dollars?

-If you could meet a famous person from the past, who would it be??

-What do you think is the best invention ever created?

-If you had to hide a treasure, where would you do it?

-What would you get out of your house if it was on fire?

-If you were given a three-day paid break from your job, what would you do with those days??

-Would you rather be a leader, or a follower?

-How do you see yourself in 5 years?

-How many hours do you think a day should have to be able to properly carry out daily activities?

-Who would you save if you only had a few seconds?

-Would you rather have five wishes in three years, or have only one wish in this year?

-What do you think can make the internet cease to exist?

-Which country would you like to visit?

-If you could go to a store to buy things without paying anything, which store would you choose?

-If you could only keep one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

-What mythical creature do you really wish existed?

-What food or activity that you didn't want to try, ended up liking?

-If you could dedicate yourself to anything you think about, what would you do?

-What would your ideal romantic night be like?

-What is the cruelest thing you have done to someone to get revenge on them?

-If a genius appeared in front of you, what would your three wishes be??

-What is the funniest memory from your childhood that you can recall right now?

-If someone narrated your life, who would you want the narrator to be??

-What do you think is your greatest flaw and your greatest virtue?

-What is your most useless talent?

-What technological advance has had the biggest impact on your life?

-Who do you think you have to thank in your life?

-If you were arrested without explanation, what would your friends and family assume you did??

-If you could write a new law that everyone must follow, what would it be??

-What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?

-If you could ask a historical figure for advice, who would it be??

-Who is the person you most admire?

-What food could you always eat without getting tired?

-What's the craziest thing you've ever done in your whole life?

-If you could only choose three foods that you can eat for a whole month, what would they be??

-What differentiates friends and acquaintances?

-If you had to choose between being famous and having money, or being happy and having time, which would you choose??

-If you could invite five celebrities or famous people to dinner, living or dead, who would they be??

-When was the last time you were snooping around, and did you find something you wish you hadn't found??

-If you could change the name of a celestial body, which one would you change it to, what would the name be and why?

-Would you rather a life full of sex but full of pure tasteless food, or a life full of delicious food but devoid of sex?

-Would you rather be the poorest but the most attractive person in the world, or the richest but the ugliest?

-If you were a mad scientist, what experiment would you do if money and ethics weren't a problem??

Interesting questions for men

-Which person has left the biggest mark on you?

-If one of your wishes could come true, what would it consist of??

-What do you think is the best time of the year?

-What do you consider to be the best and worst characteristic of your gender?

-What has been the best moment of your life?

-What would you do to put a smile on the face of a sad person?

-What wrong judgment do people who do not know you usually make??

-Which of your skills are you most proud of??

-What sports do you like the most?

-If you could dedicate your life to solving a problem, what problem would it be??

-What would you say to your ex if you had her in front of you?

-If you had to live without one of your five senses, what would it be??

-What do you value most in a friendship?

-What do you think of promiscuity?

-What has been your biggest influence?

-If there are only 24 hours left until the world ends, what would you do?

-Is there something your brain always wants you to do and you have to consciously fight to suppress it??

-If you have only one cookie left, can you give it to me or do you share it with me??

-What is the recipe that works best for you?

-What could you not forgive your partner under any circumstances?

-Is there someone or something you miss?

-If you could embody your partner for one day, what would you do?

-What is the bravest thing you've ever done?

-What has been the biggest mistake of your life?

-What is the most illegal thing that you have done?

-What is your greatest ambition?

-If I had to move to another city for work, would you come with me or would you like to maintain a long-distance relationship??

-Have you ever seen a paranormal entity (ghost or alien)?

-What has been your greatest achievement?

-What's the most ridiculous way you've ever hurt yourself?

-What do you appreciate most in people?

-What is the most beautiful thing that you have done for love?

-What was the strictest teacher you've ever had?

-Would you like to be an influencer?

-Have you done anything crazy for love?

-What's the best joke you've ever made?

-Mention your favorite verse from a poem or song.

-If we were trapped on an island and we needed to eat, how would you get food??

-What was the best concert you've been to?

-If you had magical powers, what changes would you make with them?

-Who do you consider to be the most impressive famous person today??

-What thing that you have tried would you never try again and why?

-What skill would you like to hone until you become an expert?

-What is the most important gift you have received or liked the most to date?

-What superhero would you be? Argues.

-Would you prefer a hug that lasts only five seconds, or a kiss that lasts only one second?

-What is your biggest fear?

-What do you miss the most about being a kid?

-How do you behave when you are stressed or tired?

-Would you forgive an infidelity of your partner if you are certain that he really loves you?

-If you could, would you change your name? What would it be and why?

-What's the dumbest thing you've ever heard people say about you?

-What's the worst thing that happened to you on a date?

-What is something that most people learn when it is too late?

-What style of movies do you prefer?

-What is the weirdest object that you could find in your house?

-Which planet in the solar system would you visit?

-What is your most important personal attribute?

-Has someone ever tricked or manipulated you into believing or doing something ridiculous?

-If one day we decide to get married, where would you like the honeymoon to be??

-What do you do to be able to relax?

-Do you have any hidden talents?

-If you could be an animal, which one would you choose to be?

Interesting questions for women

-What is the best idea that you have come up with for an invention?

-What would your perfect birthday party be like?

-What decision you have made is the one you are most proud of?

-If you had to cook a dessert to give it to me, what recipe would you choose?

-What do you think guys need to take into account to treat a woman well??

-If you could be the character in a fairy tale, who would you be?

-What is your motivation in this life?

-If you could log into anyone's computer, who would own the computer you are accessing??

-Believe in God? If not, what principles or deity do you believe in?

-Does your name have any meaning? Why did they put it on you?

-If you had the opportunity to make someone disappear from the face of the earth, who would it be??

-If you could change three things about your country, what would they be??

-What is the first thing you notice about a boy?

-What superpower would you like to have?

-If you had a lot of money, what would be the first thing you would spend it on?

-What is your favorite word and why?

-If a day was celebrated in your honor, what should the people do on it??

-Do you have a secret that not even your best friend knows?

-If you could change something about your body, what would it be and why?

-As a child, what was your biggest fear?

-Do you think parapsychological abilities exist? Which one would you like to have?

-Do you prefer beauty or intelligence?

-What in this world is the closest and real to magic that we can find?

-If you were a flower, which one would you be?

-Was your first kiss what you expected according to your expectations?

-Do you prefer a quiet dinner, or a party with friends?

-What song sums up your personality?

-What is it that you have always wanted to do but are afraid to try?

-If you could choose your current age, which one would you choose?

-If you had to describe love in one word, what would it be?

-What things or comments, in your opinion, are disguised as compliments, but are actually insults??

-What would you change about the way you were raised?

-What would you be willing to give up for love?

-When you were a girl, what did you want to be when you grew up?

-Who is the smartest person you know?

-What is it that you have always wanted but until now you have not been able to achieve?

-Would you write a book about your life?

-What have been your best and worst purchases throughout your life?

-If you could rule the world for one day what would you forbid?

-If you could be good at one activity or sport, which would you choose??

-If you are very upset, what helps you calm down?

-What is the part of your body that you like the most and why?

-What is one of your childhood memories that you treasure the most?

-What do you dislike the most about society and its culture?

-How do you see yourself in 10 or 20 years?

-Mention an interesting fact that no one else knows about you.

-What thing you learned in school has really served you throughout your life??

-What wouldn't you do for all the money in the world?

-What is the most beautiful place you have visited?

-What fantastic place would you like to visit?

-What is it that you are grateful for in life towards someone?

-If you were famous for something, why would it be?

-What's the best amusement park you've ever been to?

-If you wrote a book, what would it be about?

-Which celebrity do you consider to be perfect?

-What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a woman?

-What is your life plan?

-If you had to stay underground for a month, how would you go about doing it??

-What is it that you can't stand from others?

Interesting questions to flirt

-What do you do for fun?

-What is the most important thing to you in bed?

-What's the dirtiest dream you've ever had?

-Would you like to go out tonight?

-What is your passion in life?

-What do you think is my best quality?

-What would be your perfect romantic getaway?

-Do you consider yourself difficult to impress?

-What is your favorite song?

-If you could transform into an animal, which one would you choose?

-Would you rather be caressed or kissed?

-Do you like to talk and get dirty talk?

-What's your idea of ​​a perfect date?

-Do you believe in fate?

-Would you like to drink a cup of coffee with me?

-Is there something you've always wanted to do? What if we do it together?

-Do you have plans for this weekend or would you like to do some?

-Have they told you that you are wonderful?

-What is the first thing you thought when you saw me?

-I wonder what's behind that smile of yours?

-When you make out with someone, do you like to use your tongue?

-What do you do on your days off?

-What is your ultimate goal in this life?

-Can you speak foreign languages? Can you show me some?

-You make me smile, would you let me return the favor?

-Would you rather snuggle or swaddle?

-Where would you like to touch me right now?

-What do you think is the best way to relax?

-I want to know everything about you, where would you like to start?

-Do you prefer that they conquer you boldly, or that they woo you little by little?

-What do you value most in a man?

-Would you like to go out to dinner with me?

-What is your zodiac sign?

-When was the last time you felt butterflies in your stomach for someone?

-How did you learn to kiss and how do you like to kiss now?

-Would you like us to go on an adventure together?

-Where should we go after here?

-What would you do if i kissed you?

-What is your favorite place to get kissed?

-What kind of man do you like?

-What is your favorite restaurant?

-If you could ask me anything, what would it be?

-Where were you born?

-What kind of fantasies would you like to do?

-When was the last time you cried in front of someone else?

-What is the favorite thing you like to do with a guy?

-What do you think we have in common?

-What is your favorite group or singer?

-What do you like most about the opposite sex?

-Would you like me to walk you home?

-What's the craziest thing you've done with someone else?

-If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

-How close are you with your family?

-Are you alone?

-Who do you think should take the first step: the girl or the boy?

-What is the most intimate thing a couple could do together?

-Do you think the end justifies the means?

-What would the perfect kiss be like for you?

-Where has been the most daring place where you have had sex?

-What is your biggest dream?

-If you are alone, would you like my company?

-Do you consider me as a friend or as something more?

-Do you think it is important to know the erotic areas of your partner and why?

-Do you think that a woman can take the initiative to conquer a man?

-Do you want us to leave here?

-What do you wear when you go to bed, if you wear anything at all?

-If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?

-What do you like to do the most in bed?

-What do you expect from me?

-What is your favorite fragrance on a man?

-What is your favorite part of my body?

-In your opinion, what would a perfect romantic evening look like??

-What is your favorite topic of conversation?

-Which are your plans for tomorrow?

-What do you like the most about your job?

Interesting life questions

-If you could take a month to travel wherever you want, what destination or destinations would you choose??

-How do you know if you are doing your best in life?

-What has been your worst experience?

-Do you think things happen for a reason?

-Would you rather live a short but intense life, or a long but quiet life?

-Do you think true love is only found once in a lifetime?

-If you could make it all disappear and start from scratch, would you?

-How would you like to be remembered by the world when you are no longer here??

-What is the hardest lesson you have ever learned?

-What places in the world have you visited?

-If you could talk to your child self, what would you advise?

-What has been the best day of your life?

-What is your biggest fear in life?

-What is the happiest moment of your life?

-In forty years, what do you think will generate the most nostalgia for you??

-If you could travel anywhere in the world, what specific part would you like to visit??

-If you could change something in the world, what would it be?

-What would you do with $ 100 million at your fingertips?

-If you could take a year off, what would you do during that time??

-Do you believe in love forever?

-What is the best advice you have ever been given?

-Would you rather live forever or have your life come to an end?

-If you could live your college years again, what would you do differently??

-Are you afraid of death?

-If you knew that in a year you would die, what would you change about the way you live?

-What is it that gives your life meaning?

-If you could know the absolute truth of a question or question, what would it be??

-What would you like to know about the universe?

-If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

-If you could turn back time, what would you do?

-If you could stay a lifetime at one age, what would it be?

-Do you have good friends?

-What country do you long to visit?

-If you had enough time, you had all the money you need to never work again and you have health to spare, what would you do with your days?

-Mention a time of great uncertainty, where a leap of faith ended with a better outcome than you might have expected.

-What is your biggest dream or aspiration in life?

-What would you prefer? Being able to travel around the world for the rest of your life without being able to return to your native country, or never leave it??

Themes of interest

Games for whatsapp.

Challenges for facebook.

Questions for conversation.

Truth or dare questions.

Love questions.

Uncomfortable questions.

Fun questions.

Questions to meet someone.

Yes or no questions.

Questions of me never.

Leading questions.

Stupid questions to laugh at.

Hot and daring questions.

Questions of what do you prefer.

Conversation topics.

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