65+ Vincent van Gogh Quotes

Basil Manning
65+ Vincent van Gogh Quotes

Vincent van Gogh was a post-impressionist Dutch painter, perhaps the most famous and influential today, for his sad history and for the quality of his work. Despite dying at a young age (37 years old), Van Gogh created 2,100 works, in which he usually shows portraits, self-portraits, the lifestyle of his time and landscapes.

The tragedy of Vincent van Gogh's life is that despite the fact that any of his works are worth millions today, in his lifetime his works were unsuccessful and he lived a life of poverty and mental illness..

It is known from his letters that Van Gogh was an introvert, quiet and serious. During his life he was considered a failure, although he became famous after his suicide, being considered a misunderstood genius.

The best phrases of Van Gogh

In these Vincent van Gogh quotes You will learn about their way of thinking and their ideas. As you will see, he was a person who had to fight in life, although he was a dreamer and had hope to prosper. These quotes are taken from the letters he wrote to his close relatives.

-I confess I don't know why, but looking at the stars always makes me dream.

-If you hear a voice inside you that says “you cannot paint”, then paint by all means and that voice will be silenced..

-Art is to comfort those who are broken by life.

-What would life be if we didn't have the courage to try something?

-What color is in a painting, enthusiasm is in life.

-Admire as much as you can. Most people don't admire enough.

-I put my heart and soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.

-I dream of painting and then I paint my dream.

-Art is a combat. In art it is necessary to risk the skin.

-It is better to have a lot of spirit, even if more mistakes are made, than to be narrow-minded and prudent about everything.

-I'd rather die of passion than boredom.

-The way to know life is to love many things.

-You have to work and dare if you really want to live.

-Be clearly aware of the stars and the infinity of heights. So life seems almost haunted after all.

-Success is sometimes the result of a whole series of failures.

-Now I consider that I am in the beginning of the beginning of doing something serious.

-The more I think about it, the more I realize that there is nothing more artistic than loving others.

-As we go through life, it becomes more and more difficult, but in the fight against difficulties the strength of the heart develops.

-Suffering without complaint is the only lesson we have to learn in this life.

-I start small.

-A good job might not last forever, but the thought it expresses will..

-Fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found in these dangers a sufficient reason to stay on land.

-Love always brings difficulties, that's true, but the good side is that it gives energy.

-Great things are made by a series of little things put together.

-There is nothing more beautiful than nature early in the morning.

-Keep your love for nature, because that is the true way to understand art more and more.

-I want to touch people with my art. I want them to say "he feels deeply, he feels tenderly".

-A good image is equivalent to a good action.

-I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.

-If you really love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.

-In spite of everything I will get up again. I will take my pencil, which I have left in my great discouragement, and I will continue with my drawing.

-The only time I feel alive is when I'm painting.

-Where friendship flourishes, life is reborn.

-Normal is a paved road: It is comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.

-Consciousness is a man's compass.

-I want to paint humanity, humanity and humanity again.

-There is peace even in the storm.

-I am always doing what I cannot do, in order to learn how to do it.

-Someday death will lead us to another star.

-I see drawings and images in the poorest of the huts and in the dirtiest of the corners.

-I'm still a long way from being what I want to be, but with God's help I'm going to be successful.

-What is done in love is done well.

-To understand blue you have to first understand yellow and orange.

-The sadness will last forever.

-I will not live without love.

-It is good to love as much as possible, because that is where the true strength lies, and the one who loves a lot does great things.

-Small emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without knowing it.

-You must never let the fire of your soul extinguish, but fan it.

-I, for my part, am determined to have no weapons other than my brush and my pen.

-It seems absurd to me that men want to appear other than what they are.

-I consciously chose the dog's path through life. I'm going to be poor. I'm going to be a painter.

-Poetry is everywhere, but putting it on paper is, unfortunately, more complicated than seeing it.

-Drawing is fighting to cross an invisible iron wall that seems to rise between what you feel and what you are capable of doing..

-If we perfect ourselves in one thing and understand it well, we also understand the understanding and knowledge of many other things..

-I have a period of terrifying clarity in those moments when nature is so beautiful. I am no longer sure of myself, and the paintings appear as in a dream.

-Sometimes it is convenient to go out into the world and frequent men because one feels obliged and called there, but the one who prefers to remain alone and quietly in the work and only wants to have very few friends, is the one who circulates with more security among men and women. the world.

-How much beauty in art, in order to retain what has been seen. You are never without work or truly lonely then, never alone.

-It is necessary to have loved, then to lose love and then to still love again.

-There is in almost every man a poet who died young and whom man survived.

-You are not on earth to have fun, you do not need to live better than others.

-I always hope to find something in there, in the study of color.

-All my days are not lucid enough to write to you with some logic.

-When a blind man yells at a blind man, they both stumble on the same stone.

-You can have, in the depths of your soul, a warm heart, and yet, it may be that no one comes to it.

-I cannot change the fact that my paintings are not sold. However, time will cause people to recognize that they are worth more than the value of the paints used in it..

-Do you know what makes jail disappear? Every genuine and deep affection. Being a friend, brother, lover, is what frees us from prison. Without these affections, one is dead. But every time these affections are revived, life is reborn.

-How much beauty in art, in order to retain what has been seen. You are never without work or truly lonely then, never alone.

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