The learning between schools It is a systematic work in which different educational entities collaborate to overcome or improve school problems that arise in everyday life..
Being a purely collective experience that contributes to school benefit, any of the learning environments would benefit from its implementation, especially the classroom..
It is carried out taking into account the guidelines established in the School Improvement Route (RME) and in the analysis established by the School Technical Tips.
During the learning debates between schools, conversations related to pedagogical strategies, exchange of experiences and analysis in reference are placed in the foreground. To the aforementioned, the successes and inconveniences occurred in the learning environments.
When these meetings are held, it is imperative that the dialogue be as sincere, critical or objective as possible. This greatly improves the fruits of inter-school learning..
Excellent to cover the maximum field of observation, involving all the teaching staff in the activity and in such a way that all problems to be discussed and resolved can be well denoted.
It is necessary to relate to the issue to be resolved. It should be used actively throughout the day, thus avoiding unnecessary expenses. With the material, those who were not entirely clear about the importance of inter-school learning, can become aware of the situation.
At this stage, talk about those unprofitable experiences that are regularly observed in the educational environment. They should also mention those tactics that they have put into practice so far to solve them..
At this point, it is necessary to define exactly what are the problems to be solved, and why they represent an inconvenience for both learning and teaching. At the same point, they must also limit why they consider that their strategies have not had a satisfactory result..
Once the problems found within the center or educational centers involved have been provided and discussed, we proceed to take note of the doubts, similarities and differences that may have been identified during the day.
With this, the points addressed are recorded and avoid redounding in future encounters.
In addition, those contributions that appear as possible ways to solve some problems are visible to those who wish to put them into experimentation..
Education should be segmented according to the degree of instruction. For this, the academic grade of the students will be taken into account and the previously analyzed strategies will be attached to the curriculum, in order to facilitate learning.
Each grade will have a more demanding level of difficulty than the previous one, promoting not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the adaptation of character to the demands of the environment.
Teachers who have difficulty applying the strategies acquired during inter-school learning may ask more experienced teachers for help in using intervention methods or strategies..
Every day counts, therefore it is necessary that every day, all teachers who have participated in a learning journey between schools, have a compendium of all those self-observations that can be corrected.
Among the many benefits of this practice, is the improvement of himself as an individual and professional, and helping his pupils to prevent them from falling into erroneous study habits or inappropriate behaviors.
The items resulting from the self-evaluation are considered material for daily clarification and for future learning encounters between schools..
Let's imagine a hypothetical case ...
In a campus where the majority of the student body comes from marginalized places, where basic services such as transportation, water and electricity are irregular, there are usually higher dropout rates or behavior problems.
If a teacher were to observe that in the home of one of his students there are serious problems with physical abuse, it is responsibility of the education professional find some solution to the problem.
Normally, to solve this type of problem, the government entities in charge of dealing with these situations can be assisted in the company of the institution's management staff, in this way the necessary measures will be taken to find a solution.
Adolescence has an easy to identify biological component, so simple that just by seeing random changes in tastes and mood, we already know that endocrine changes are causing their respective side effects.
Now, there are parameters of normality and abnormality in adolescent behavior and although they are impulsive young people, self-mutilation, excessive promiscuity and physical or verbal damage towards others, can be considered as an early manifestation of pathological behavior.
Occasionally we can even label a person for having a peculiar behavior, even if we do not know what their life history is.
Not everything has to be necessarily black or white, the dichotomous only diminishes the importance of graduated and more elaborate conclusions. We must always gather all the parts of the story before reaching the end.
Extreme situations cause uninhibited behaviors and these can affect both those who perpetuate them, as well as those who simply witness or observe them.
Adolescents who have problems in their coexistence with parents, siblings or other relatives commonly tend to show it in their behavior during school hours.
Little concentration, inadequacy to the rules of coexistence and even lack of respect can be observed in young people who suffer inconsistencies in their primary social environment.
If the young man has a dominant character and a charismatic personality, the results are even worse, being able to surround or captivate other colleagues with what he considers good, even if he is notably wounded. This way he would have someone to support him in whatever he does.
In such a case, identifying episodes of mistreatment, abandonment, abuse or neglect, are expressed through an apparently rebellious, impulsive, disobedient or careless personality..
Dealing with these types of behaviors becomes a challenge when they come from the family context, because even if the young person wants to improve during the hours of stay in the institution, when they arrive home, the harmful cognitions are reinforced and therefore, the new habit.
Examples as mentioned, should be discussed and analyzed in an inter-school learning journey. The aim is to improve not only learning, but also the quality of life of students.
With this, we ensure that the knowledge provided will be processed effectively and efficiently..
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