The alarm sounds. It's 6.30 in the morning. You wake up drowsy, without the courage to face a new day. You say a word of encouragement to yourself to make the effort to get out of bed. You head to the bathroom. You have a shower. You dress. You have a coffee that will cheer you up a bit. And you go out, ready to face a new long, hard, edgy and demotivating day.
You sound familiar?
You have thought on numerous occasions to change the course of life. Find a job that motivates you, that excites you. Tell your boss that you are tired of his bad temper, his rudeness and his despotism. How do you want to say “Goodbye. There you stay ".
And why do not you do it? What is preventing you from fulfilling that dream of wanting to have a better life? What stops you from changing the course of your life?
Many people internally think what their life would be like if they could change their course. They dream of what they would do. Where would they travel to. How would they live.
But very few do. Why? The reason is very simple. Because they don't take action. They don't get going.
A wish without action is only a dream.
And 90% of the population only has dreams. And they go through life without having a purpose. Rather, they do. But they don't know what it is. They have not found their personal mission. His talent. Your calling. They haven't found their genius.
And the answer is simple.
Because to change the course of your life, first you have to change yourself.
Change your thinking, your internal language. Get rid of your blocks coming from what, unconsciously, you believe about yourself or the circumstances that surround you.
Do you feel free? Do you think you make your decisions consciously? Let me tell you something: No.
You are the product, or rather the result, of the circumstances of your past. The good and the bad that have happened around you. The advice of your parents or your grandparents. Your childhood experiences. Youth heartbreak. Absolutely everything has formed the cocktail personified in you.
That's you.
To make changes in your life, it is vital that you investigate within yourself. It is necessary to take a look inside and look for the origin of your behavior or your thoughts.
Because everything you believe about the world around you is what somehow blocks or reinforces certain behaviors, ideas or thoughts that you have..
As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you are right".
A good example of this is what is called in psychology Learned helplessness. A concept created by psychologist Martin Seligman, the promoter of Positive Psychology.
Although, the concept of learned helplessness was generated to give an explanation to psychological ailments such as depression, it can be extrapolated to the thought and behavior that we have in our daily lives.
A very typical case is that of adolescents who do not clean up their room or who do not study because at that stage, in which you are exploring your surroundings and placing yourself in the world, there are other things that you consider more interesting than wasting time picking up your room or studying some boring subjects as I can't do it anymore.
And in those are you when, your mother or your math teacher comes and tells you that you do not pick up or that you do not study because you are lazy or because you are not useful for studying.
Those phrases stay in your subconscious. Like a seed. And if it is something that you hear often, it finally becomes internalized in you so that it is already part of your personality..
And if you are useless, why make the effort? That reasoning is what leads you not to get involved in anything.
You are useless. Point.
That idea haunts you into your adulthood. And it is the origin of you not getting a better job. If you don't have a better job, you have to settle for what you get.
That is, you are suffering your boss and the life you have is not the motivating, amazing and wonderful that you deserve..
What can you do?
Explore. Question everything you believe. Faced with a situation or a decision, reflect on why you do it or what makes you think that way. Where does that idea come from? Do you really think that? Why? So that? How does it help you? Could it be otherwise? What if you turned that thought around?
When you change, no matter how small that change, everything you have around you also changes. It is what is called "Butterfly effect"
You can change the course of your life if you want.
Of course, you need three basic ingredients: you have to propose it, believe in your possibilities and get going.
Remember: You only have one life. What do you want to do with it?
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