How to Prevent an Unwanted Pregnancy? 7 Practical Ways

Abraham McLaughlin
How to Prevent an Unwanted Pregnancy? 7 Practical Ways

Nowadays prevent an unwanted pregnancy it is totally possible and accessible. There are no methods that ensure 100% reliability, but they do come very close. One of the many differences with respect to previous decades is to understand that prevention is an issue that involves both members of the couple.

Regardless of the emotional bond, religious and cultural conceptions, both men and women should be informed of a topic like this. If you are a woman, then naturally you live this issue in a particularly sensitive way. Fundamentally, your body is the main protagonist in pregnancy.

If you are a man, then the time has come for you to get involved in preventing pregnancy in a responsible and active way. These 7 ways of prevention will help you enjoy sexuality without worries.

Previous warnings

The best way not to get pregnant, among the different options available, depends fundamentally on two aspects:

  • The health status of each of the members of the couple.
  • On the "philosophy" or world view of each of them.

The goal you must pursue is that you and your partner fully enjoy sexuality without this implying limitations or restrictions.

A consultation with a healthcare professional is always recommended. This can give you good guidance and inform you about key aspects that you may not know. As in any subject, knowledge and information is the basis for making a good choice..

7 possible ways to avoid pregnancy

1-Contraceptive pill

This is one of the most popular methods of contraception. There are several brands as well as different forms of prescription, although the most common is that you must take them daily.

Birth control pills base their mechanism of action on the combination of certain hormones that regulate the functioning of your ovaries and uterus.

This formula prevents ovulation while generating a thickening of the uterine wall. This makes it harder for sperm to reach the uterus..

Regarding the effectiveness of this method, specialists agree that it is around 99%. The ideal is to complement this method with another, if what you are looking for is 100% certainty. Among them, the condom could be a recommendable option.

Regarding the advantages or disadvantages of taking birth control pills, these will depend on the body of each woman.

That is why they always have to be prescribed by a gynecologist. Among the most common advantages are:

  • Improvement in the appearance of the skin, due to the hormonal alteration that is generated.
  • Greater regularization of menstrual cycles.
  • They reduce the pain and annoying symptoms of the pre-menstrual period.

Some of the possible downsides:

  • Requires a professional periodic check.
  • It is not indicated for women who are breastfeeding. The quantity and quality of breast milk is altered.
  • They can cause significant weight changes, as well as difficulty stabilizing it.
  • Does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • You have to have a good memory or planning for regular intake. If this is not met, there may be pregnancy.


This "barrier" method of contraception is one of the most popular after birth control pills..

It can be very effective, but to achieve maximum effectiveness it must be used correctly. Both women and men should know very well how to put it on and how to remove it.

There are also condoms for women. This is a lesser known option, but totally valid too.

-Male condom: the famous condom is a latex wrap that is placed on the penis. It should be placed slowly and ensuring that it covers the entire erect penis.

This must be done before penetration, as the lubrication that is excreted prior to ejaculation also contains sperm. Once the condom is removed, check that there has been no rupture.

-Female condom: in this case a little more care and practice is required for placement.

The female condom is a nitrile sleeve that has two flexible rings at each end. The inner ring is placed in the vagina itself and the outer ring on the outside of it..

With regard to this contraceptive method there are some myths, such as, for example, that sensitivity is lost during intercourse. This is not really the case, since other factors also intervene in pleasure.

One of the greatest advantages of this method is that the condom, both male and female, is the only one that guarantees the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV, syphilis or gonorrhea.


The intrauterine device (IUD) is, as its name implies, a device that is placed inside the uterus. This device is made of a special type of plastic or metal in the shape of a T, and is positioned so that it is centered in the uterine cavity..

Depending on the different trademarks, they offer a greater or lesser period of protection. When you insert the IUD, on the one hand the sperm will be prevented from reaching your eggs, but you will also ovulate less.

Depending on the hormonal concentration contained in this device, ovulation will be minimal or null..

As for the effectiveness of the IUD, there is talk of the 99% environment. The only detail and not least, is that if you inserted the IUD outside the period of seven days after your menstrual cycle, then you have to use another additional method to prevent pregnancy, during the first month.

The main disadvantage of the IUD is that it does not protect you from disease. In some women, rejections of the device have also been known.

Whether due to the material or the incompatibility with the body, some women cannot tolerate the IUD. Others say they have heavier periods due to the IUD.

Now, if your body accepts it and adapts well, you forget about the worry of getting pregnant, for at least five years.

4-Injectable contraceptives

This is a method of hormonal contraception, just like the pills, only it changes the form of delivery.

There are injectables that are given every month and others every trimester. In the case of those that are applied monthly, the composition consists of a mixture of estrogens and progesterone. In the second case, the injectable only contains progestin.

As with birth control pills, the principle of action of this method is to prevent ovulation. The substantial difference from pills is the concentration of the active chemicals.

Injectables have high doses of hormones, so it is not recommended for people under 18 years of age. The application is intramuscular, generally in the gluteal area.

The effectiveness of this form of care is approximately 99%. The first injection should be given between the first and fifth day of menstruation.

In the case of monthly injections, after the first dose, the application is repeated exactly every 30 days. The tolerance margin regarding this period is 3 days, otherwise the specialists do not guarantee its high efficacy..

5-Female sterilization

This is a definitive method of contraception, and this is one of the main things to consider before choosing this method. Before having a surgical procedure to avoid conception, you must be sure that you do not want a pregnancy in the rest of your life.

The procedure is simple, as it is a minor and low-risk surgery. In it, the fallopian tubes are tied or cut. In this way, even if you ovulate normally, the eggs will never reach the uterus and therefore there will be no conception..

A variant of this surgery involves replacing the cutting of the tubes with the inclusion of a device that blocks them. The mechanism of action in both cases is the same.

The great advantage of this method is that it is 100% effective and you will never have to worry about getting pregnant again.

6-male sterilization

Another option equally valid to the previous one is sterilization in this case of the male. Commonly known as a vasectomy, it is a minor scrotal surgery. Similar to what is done with the fallopian tubes, but in this case the semen conducting tubes are cut or blocked.

This type of contraception can be highly recommended for those cases in which the woman's reproductive system has some type of disorder and other contraceptive methods are not recommended..

7-Subcutaneous, subdermal or pellet implant

It consists of a small rod that is implanted under the skin of the woman's arm. This small "device" gradually releases small doses of hormones into the body, which prevent ovulation, similar to birth control pills..

This method has the great power advantage that it does not depend on your memory to take a dose daily or receive an injectable every month. What you should keep in mind is that once you have the implant, at least for at least three to four years you will not be able to get pregnant.

The decision of which contraceptive method to use will be yours, or yours. The couple should take their time to decide the best way to enjoy sex responsibly..

And what method do you use to prevent pregnancy?

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